Peggy C's favorite articles

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  • 2020-04-24 Newsflash / COVID-19

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Our COVID-19 Help Offer has triggered a great movement of solidarity. To this point we received 48 donations*) with a total volume of 1,692 EUR. After deducting money transaction fees of 58 EUR, a net amount of 1,634 EUR is available for financial help. ▶️ Help can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance. ▶️ The prerequisite is a financial emergency as a result of th…

  • Learning to shoot manual...

    ...or that is what I am planning to learn next. Inspired by "YouTuber" and photographer Sean Tucker, I try to start shooting in black and white, and use full manual mode to get that done on my Canon G5 X. My only problem is that the manual focus on Canon PowerShot cameras is no good . There are pretty much three to four dials to control speed, aperture, ISO and zoom. What is left for manual focus is a clumsy dials on back of the camera. So, I pretty much have to rely on auto focus.…

  • Preserving History

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    If you're like most people on this site, I suspect you take a few thousand photos yearly. I know I do. I'll be honest, a great many of mine are hardly worthy of a second look, but they accumulate in my computer's hard disk. Maybe a hundred or so yearly warrant that second look. Some, though even fewer, deserve 'historical retention' (for want of a better term). Let's work on the thought that the image of a great sunset, general landscape or flower isn't going to have 'historical retent…

  • In Finland we have this thing called... Nokia

    Nonverbal communication...
    While updating my old The Sunday Challenge contribution , I did some additional research concerning Nokian rubber boots and Nokia phones. Among many other interesting things I discovered a wonderful IN FINLAND WE HAVE THIS THING CALLED ... website, their Facebook page , and YouTube channel . What comes to Nokia, here's a video on that: The best news is that Nokia phones turned out be Finnish again ! Which makes me consider updating to one in near future. Although, I still am…

  • Remember

    " Joy Harjo (born on May 9, 1951, Tulsa, Oklahoma : Muscogee, American) is a poet, musician and author. She is also the first Native American United States Poet Laureate. She is an important figure in the second wave of the literary Native American Renaissance of the late twentieth century. She studied at the Institute of American Indian Arts, completed her undergraduate degree at University of New Mexico in 1976, and earned an M.F.A. at the University of Iowa in its Creative Writing Pr…

  • Tampere Hall

    Here's a place right next door (my door), that I forget to appreciate enough. They claim to have a world class acoustics there in the main hall. That is also the new home of Moomin museum, and place of many venues arranged in Tampere.

  • Useful online services found

    I decided to start a new article, which I will update every now and then. I collect here useful online services discovered on Web. ➽ Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator Useful tool for testing your images and graphs, to see how they look for someone who has some color vision handicap. ➽ Linguee A very useful service to find out how different words and phrases translate into other languages. Linguee gives examples of various contexts. Here's an example how English expression "o…

  • Frame magic

    Screenshot 2019-10-11 12.36.18
    On PicMonkey I first made a fancy collage frame based on one of the film frames. Next I created a collage following my earlier instructions . But I was not happy with the black frame. So, I decided to try if I could just add a green frame on it. By the way I made that green frame with 'Effects > Curves ' by moving the left end of green curve upwards: But adding a green frame did not work alone. So, I discovered that so called ' Difference layer mode ' coul…

  • Formatting comments

    HTML tags
    Below the comment editing boxes you may have noticed the ( options ) -link opening a pop up window for some formatting tips. Instructions given there try to be as simple as possible, but there are plenty of "nerd terminology". Unfortunately there are no step by step instructions how they are supposed to use. The most unclear part is the code for creating a clickable text link. Here I try to help especially with that. 1)…

  • Secrets of ipernity search

    You can search somewhat anything on ipernity. But what you may not know are all the tweaks you can do to limit the search. Search for all cat photos (up to 1000) Write simply cat on top of the pages, onto field with "Search for people and more...", and select "Search for photos" from the drop down menu. The default search parameters then give you the most relevant photos where somewhere on the image title, caption, keywords or comment…

  • La beauté...c'est quoi...?

    L'oeil qui observe, le cerveau qui juge, le coeur qui dicte, et la parole qui dit...! roland

  • Setbacks and Disappointment: Hidden Opportunities

    Disappointment Article Upload
    Created from Images purchased from Shutterstock For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” [Jeremiah 2 9:11 ] Disappointment, setbacks and adversity “are inevitable parts of life, yet difficult… to deal with.” [1] Yet there is little comfort in knowing this and even when a spiritual explanation is added – “It happens for a reason” – they are still not easy to accept since we often never…

  • Exploring ipernity Explore

    People often wonder how the images become picked to ipernity Explore . And here I try to figure it out and explain, as well as I can. The very first thing one needs to understand is that Explore is more or less an overview on what is popular during last few days. However, popularity is a tricky concept. One should keep in mind that what is popular may not match with any subjective or shared understanding on what is quality . If number of ipernity members like images of fences, or more p…

  • Post 9/11 Requiem?

    9/11 Article Image
    All of us who lived that 9/11 day eighteen years ago will never forget. That fateful Tuesday started out full of promise with a cloudless sky and mild temperatures until the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of 1 World Trade Center at 8:46 AM. A second plane, United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower seventeen minutes later. By 10:28 AM both towers had collapsed and New York City was shrouded in darkness with the Statue of Liberty the only beacon of light as it…

  • 2019-08-30 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The number of new club accounts created in the first 8 months of 2019, now +74, already exceeds the total number of new club accounts created in 2018 (+62). The number of active club accounts even increased by +82 from 1,298 to 1,380 since the beginning of the year. This makes us very optimistic. 2) In addition, members of the VIEW Fotocommunity are currently interested in finding a new home for their photo hobby due to the closure of…

  • The Convergent Theology of Buddhism and Christianity

    Buddhism  Christianity Article Image
    From a distance Buddhism that emphasizes attaining the “highest good” and Christianity that focuses on salvation through the cross, appear incompatible and distinct especially since one branch of Buddhism is non-Theistic (Godless) in nature. However when the sayings of Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC), a monk, teacher and philosopher in northeastern India and the founder of Buddhism, a strand of sutras when pieced together form a messianic text and Mahāyāna Buddhism (the dominant branch with 53%…

145 articles in total