Articles by LutzP

  • EU Press Release - New English Orthography (EuroEnglish)

    - 29 Nov 2014 - 6 comments
    THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN UNION PRESS RELEASE The European Union Commissioners have announced that an agreement has been reached to adopt English as the preferred language for the communications within the European Union, rather than German, which was the other option. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty’s Government conceded to the German Government, that English spelling has some room for improvement and has accepted a five-year plan for what will become known as EuroE…

  • My new / Mein neues EF 70-200L f/4

    - 25 Oct 2014 - 13 comments
    My new 70-200L f/4
    When it comes to lenses, photographers tend to have endless discussions. How sharp is sharp? Is an L-Lens so much better, than a much less expensive one from brand S or T. Should I pay a truckload of money for such a little more? We all know from own experience, that 95% of the perfect performer cost 95% of the price. If you want the remainig 5% as well, you have to pay another 95%. I finally decided to retire my Tamron 70-300mm VC in favor of the CANON 70-200L f/4. Don't get me wrong, the Tamro…

  • The Spam War - Something annoying that makes me smile ;-)

    - 24 Oct 2014 - 8 comments
    The longer I am here and the better I understand the peculiarities of Ipernity the more I recognize specifics, I have not known in the world I came from (Panoramio). One of the most noticable to me after a year on and off at Ipernity is the silently raging war over spam. It comes along with it's own terminology and it took me a while to understand the basics although I am still struggeling with the precise definition of spam, as it is understood here. There seem to be spam free groups and spam…

  • (Why) Should I join the Club? - (Warum) Sollte ich dem Club beitreten?

    - 03 Oct 2014 - 13 comments
    Inititial Post 1.1.2014 : What are the consequences? I'm pondering over this since I am here. The more I think about it, the more reluctant I am to join. Once I join, they have me hooked. I have to continue to pay my annual membership fee or I loose my investment. Or don't I? What if they change the Ts and Cs or the membership fee. Will my account be closed or deleted if I leave the club of failed to pay? How do I leave the club at all? What happens after my one month bonus membership expires…

  • Schläft Ipernity ? - Is Ipernity asleep?

    - 28 Sep 2014 - 8 comments
    Ich wundere mich: Am 17.9. hat Google auf der Photokina angekündigt, dass das Fotoportal Panoramio eingestellt wird. Eine Riesengelegenheit für Ipernity denke ich. Da kann man jetzt jede Menge frustrierte heimatlose User abgreifen. Eine schöne Aktion starten mit "Freunde einladen" usw. Und was passiert? Nix! So etwa vor einer Woche hab ich eine Nachricht ans Team geschrieben und darauf aufmerksam gemacht. Und was passiert? Wieder nix. Schläft Ipernity? Offensichtlich! Schade. Nachtrag 1.10.…

  • What I like here ... and what I'm missing badly - Was mir hier gefällt ... und was ich schmerzlich vermisse!

    - 19 Dec 2013 - 11 comments
    Being a Panoranio expat and having explored Ipernity now for about two weeks I like it better here every day. A well organized GUI and a multitude of functions I have not known in the other world are making the live easy here. In addition many functions can be customized by the user, albums can be organized in folders (a function I find very useful, not only for my own photos but also when browsing other member's galleries) and other nice features. Everything seems to be stable and working witho…

  • Noise: How to determine the best ISO-setting for your camera - Bei welcher ISO-Einstellung rauscht meine Kamera am wenigsten?

    - 17 Dec 2013 - 10 comments
    ... well, sounds easy, just set it to the lowest possible value, mostly something between 50 and 100 you may say. However, actually it's not that easy. Surprisingly some cameras have their best (read)noise performance somewhere else. Both my EOS 60D and my 70D have the lowest read noise at ISO 160. This is also true for all CANON SLRs with the 18Mpix sensor and the Digic 4 Processor. And ISO 125 and everthing being a multiple of that should be avoided at all, because at these settings the camera…

  • Why am I here? - Warum bin ich hier?

    - 10 Dec 2013 - 5 comments
    After 2.000 Photos and almost 11 million visits in the recent six years at Panoramio, Google has changed the appearance and functionalities of the platform in a way, which is simply unacceptable to many users. And it's not only the appearance, it's full of bugs! Every other day a new surprise. Moreover Google is evermore greedy for data and expects more and more data to be integrated into their "services". Given the recent disclosures of Edward Snowden it's time to look for an alternative.…

26 articles in total