Hiya folks, well these past couple of days have been quite fulfilling really. As you all probably know - the weather, despite it being May - has been really cold. Now living down here in the South West, the weather seems to be slightly different from other parts of the country. Today has been a gloriously sunny day, but boy was there a bitter wind. Yet I saw on the web cams, in other parts of the country it was raining and very windy, for such a small country (compared to the larger countries) it's amazing how the weather can be so diversive at the same time!!!!

Well yesterday I went to hospital (don't worry it wasn't in an ambulance) to have an ultrasound of my heart. It was good news, as everything was pumping away as they should, and so different from the last time I had an ultrasound, because that was when they realised that I had a lot of fluid around my heart and lungs, (almost 10kg of fluid)!!!! which I lost when in hospital, so obviously my heart and lungs are feeling so much better and the ultrasound showed how well they have recovered. The one bad thing that happened yesterday was the drive home!!! I do still have motion sickness and I was almost home - almost - about 500 metres from the house, when my neighbour had to stop at a kerb, so I could be sick!!! How annoying is that? So last night I took things slow.

This morning I had a lie-in because I still felt slightly "off", but the sunny day encouraged me to go and walk up the drive to see the flowers decorating it. Now because I don't go up and down the drive in a car, the central part has been allowed to overgrow. I hadn't realised until I came down it yesterday. My neighbours usually keep it trimmed, but they know how much I love the flowers, so they've left it alone - this is what it looks like now......

See what I mean? Also there were so many bluebells as you can see, but also lots of daisies, acqualegia, Icelandic poppies and dandelions - those were the flowers on the ground..

whereas above were figs, apple blossom, dark purple - pale purple and white lilac.

Of course, Pippin had to accompany me - he's so funny - as soon as he sees me pointing the camera towards him - he turns away. I caught him unawares today!!!!

Well that was my day today folks, this weekend I'm going to be watching the Formula 1 Grand Prix and the Giro cycle race, then on Monday - I'm having my hair cut (first in 18months!!) and sometime in the week, I'm having a visitor with a blood taking phial - so that'll be fun.

Please stay safe folks, and have fun if you can. Hopefully May just might get better weatherwise soon.