As you all in the UK are aware, we have had some amazingly sunny days lately and even some warmth too - which is oh so welcome. Apparently we can expect some rain this coming week, which isn't very good, but I suppose that it is necessary for the plants etc. My bluebells are thriving on the driveway - a sea of blue, a visitor called it, all made possible because I don't drive a car over it now, because the car is well and truly done with, I swear it's growing on the drive!!!!! There are flowery weeds growing out of the bonnet!!!! (hood to those of you in the US).

Anyway the blossom is really taking over now - and the white lilac is all over the place - what a scent and what a sight.

but what really catches my eye, is this glorious apple blossom. I have a few apple trees in my garden and there is one tree half way up the drive, but I don't see it very often, whereas I can look out and see this apple tree blossom all the time from my lounge window and it's so beautiful.

Do you see what I mean. I rarely eat apples, but I do love the blossom they give. Also these last few days, I've been making more pendants.

I'll just show you a few, but the rest will be somewhere on my page here. I just don't want to bore you with them. I think I'm soon going to have to sell some, as I have loads in bags here at home and they've cost me money, so I should try and recoup some of my money!!!! I'm waiting for my neighbour's daughter to come and show me how to put them on the internet.

Well these are just some of them - I must have close on 200 by now. I go through bursts of different colours, then I try another set of colours or flowers. That's why these are one-offs, I never seem to choose similar designs. I keep wondering when I will get fed up with doing these pendants, but so far - I'm still enjoying myself. It's just as well really - I have loads of these metal shapes just waiting to be filled!!!

I'm hoping my son will be able to pop up to see me very soon, but he's so like his dad - when he gets involved in something, everything else is forgotten!!! He's so enjoying himself being a tutor at the University, especially now he can actually go to the University buildings and instruct the students on how to make videos/films etc. He and another ex-student have started a company to make instruction videos or adverts etc and that's really taken off, so I suppose I can understand why he's not managed to get up here - apart from that - he's got two children now too!!! Still it would be nice to see him, especially as it's almost two years since I last saw my daughter, who lives in Turkey. As she's a foreigner there, she has to wait until all the Turkish people have had their vaccines and so it looks as if she'll have to wait another two or so months. Of course without these vaccines, she can't leave the country, much less enter the UK - so she's having to self isolate herself in her home there. She's been in a sort of lockdown for over a year now and she's almost tearing her hair out, she's so bored. All I can say is - thank heavens for Netflix and other films!!!!

Okay folks, that's about it - I've had my eye test done today - and I do need better glasses than the last time - in 2019!!!! Apart from that - I have to go to the hospital in around two weeks for an ultrasound to be done on my heart. It's very re-assuring on how attentive they are with regards to my health.

Please take care of yourselves and let's enjoy this oncoming of warmer weather. Also please stay safe, so we can all go back to some semblance of normality soon!!!