Sorry - this is just going to be a very short, (not sure about the sweet though) version of what has been going on this last week.

Monday 19th January - my daughter's 50th birthday - dawned a cold crisp day. I wasn't feeling 100% but I carried on - chatting to Mandi on her very special day - but she kept moaning about being half a century old - I told her to wait until until she realised that she was almost 3/4 of a century old like me.

Well Tuesday merged with Monday in that I hardly slept all night - gasping for breath and feeling a tad scared as I was living alone and no-one to see me if I should fall ill etc. Well my friend Emily, said that I didn't look too well on Tuesday and I said that if I didn't feel any better on Wednesday then I should call up the doctor.

Didn't have to - my doctor suddenly turned up to see how I was - and within 20 minutes the ambulance had arrived. My neighbour, Ann, had tried to pack an overnight case for me, but she didn't know what was needed, nor did she know what I wanted. All I know was that I needed more variety than 15 knickers, 1 bra, one jumper, one pair of trousers!!!! No nightware and unfortunately she'd packed the washing I was going to put in the washing machine!!!!! Still I expected to be in and out in 2 days.

The ambulance people (paramedics) were absolutely wonderful, so kind and friendly. I was very scared by this time, as I felt lousy and didn't know what was happening. My doctor told me that I had a weak heart and it was struggling to beat. I had lymphoma of the legs and muscles, wich meant I was struggling to breathe and it wasn't the best place to be - alone in a big house!. Anyway I went to the hospital and after a long chat with a great doctor, who put it in a nice way - you're staying here until we get you better. Well Ann had said she'd take care of Pippin - so no worries there. I didn't want to worry Mandi, she's in Turkey - can't leave the country and she wouldn't be able to come to see me anyway!!! So Tony just told her that I problems with my kidneys - just like before - so she was okay on that clue!!!!

Half way through the night, I was transferred to another ward, a Cardio Critical Care.I slept the rest of the night and then just as I got comfy, I was transferred to another ward. Lovely people and the nursing staff - second to none. I am still in this ward, thankfully, which means that I am getting to know the staff - the nurses and doctors wear nameplates with their names etc in biggish letters, so I can see their names. I have had x-rays, scans, ultra-sounds (boy do they hurt!) and lots of blood letting, pressure taking, I've got two cannulas - one in each elbow, they'd already tried on my wrist, but they fell out and made a mess, this is for the medication to be administered- I've also had two blood transfusions (yuck doesn't blood look horrible hanging up on a hook?) - now do you see why I'm the colours I am?

Apparently I have lymphoedema, which is extensive, and it's causing problems with my heart. So at the moment they are giving me (in excess I might add!!) larger quantities of this "stuff" called Furozamide which is supposedly getting rid of this excess water. Those that have had the pleasure of this drug, calling it the "pee pills" Well I was on 20mg per day before I came into the hospital, then on 80mg - today I'm taking 240mg!!! This is ridiculous! But if it works that's great!!!!! It's squashing my heart causing me to gasp for breath.

So I know I have to be here for at least another week or so, so I am glad that the staff here are second to none. They are so lovely and kind, they say they hate hurting me with the needles for taking blood, or else causing bruises with the pump to get blood pressure readings. It would be bad enough if that's all they do - but the "happy band" of doctors walk around together with one major leader in the front and the other minions following behind, taking copious notes in their folders, and you are told you need to have the blood taken for them to see how much oxygen is in my blood. Fine, I say. Then when the column leaves, one-by-one they troop back to talk to me, asking me the same questions, and wanting blood or pressure all the time. I just mention that they had some about 10 minutes ago, and they all say the same thing "It isn't the right blood" It's the only blood I have!!!! So this has been going on all day - I have had around 30 minutes of peace from the staff since 6am and it's now 6.15pm!! So this patient lady, has been sorely tried. I've had a lovely supper but hopefully now they'll calm down until tomorrow.

I'm still having this damn liquid put in me by drip, which means I'll be up all night no doubt!!!!! The colours of my skin are incredible.... if I ever need to marry up shades of blue into purple, via red and pink - then I'm in luck!!!! Okay folks, I saw the Consultant - well one of them anyway. He told me that he can't let me go until I am breathing well and not gasping, also he needs to know that he's beaten this condition which has been free to take over my body for about 5 years now!!! So I'll still be here next week.

Our wonderful friend, Mickey has been amazing by keeping you all informed of my progress or lack thereof for about 2 days!!! He is absolutely the best friend anyone could ever wish for. I am blessed with amazing friends. Emily has been bringing in clean clothes for me, a new book - Yvonne has been cat-sitting for a while and also bringing in some clean clothes etc, whilst Ann has been cat-sitting for nearly the whole time, and for someone who isn't a cat person - for her to bother to make hot-water bottles for Pippin, because it had been cold this last week!!! is simply wonderful. I hope he doesn't expect it when I come back!!

Well the ward is a quiet as the "grave" - the other 4 ladies I'm sharing with, went to sleep at 7.30pm and I'm getting tired now!!! So I'll finish now and let you know as and when I have any news.

Please look after yourselves and please, please stay safe.