Even though we've had a lot of very cold weather - I think the double glazing has helped by not letting the freezing cold get to them. When there is a little bit of sun, they relish in it. The hoya has seen fit to try and escape through the pelmet at the top of the window!!!! When Emily comes on Tuesday, I'll ask her to tie it back again!!!! It's lovely seeing the red splashes of colour from the "flamingo plant"......

but Emily bought me a Bromeliad plant with a lovely orange flower, which is starting to open up. Apparently it's a plant from Uruguay!! It's a lovely plant and the splash of colour is great.

See what I mean? The geranium behind it is growing like mad, which is strange considering it's winter!!!

Well I am still making pendants and will continue to do so, until I find myself getting bored, then I'll put them on e-bay and sell them - I don't want to do it yet, because then I'll be doing them to sell, rather than doing them for pleasure!!! Do you get what I mean?

These are some of the latest ones......

Then I thought of making snowflakes to put on the Christmas tree and I must admit, I quite enjoyed doing them too....

Talking of Christmas, look what Emily made for me for my tree......

She crocheted this little sprout and even gave it a mask to wear!!! I just love it, don't ask me why - but the sprout is really cute.

Well I've got loads of pictures of my pendants, but you would be screaming at me to stop showing them on here!!! You can only have so much can't you?This is what I'm making for the males in the family, they're not too keen on wearing pretty pendants - strange that!!!! LOL

I've made them into keyrings - I've done quite a lot of them, but I'm not too keen on them really!!!!

Oh well, another week has flown by, it's already the middle of the first month of 2021, is it me, or have you felt that this last year has flown by? I must say that it's lovely seeing your pictures again. Take care and please stay safe