de - fr - es - it - eo

Part 4

About life after death
The core and the short passage

From the book by Neale Donald Walsch
"At home in God - On life after death"
First edition English German 2006

(page 255ff)

- Neale -

This is really becoming an amazing conversation.
First we came to the theory of perception
and quantum physics,
then to superstring theory
and metaphorical, metaphysical cosmology
and now we've landed on alchemy.
But you implied
that before the end of this conversation
much deeper with me
about the moment of merging
- or reunion - with the essence.
Is it okay if I ask you about that now?

- God -

Of course it is.
But again, I have to tell you,
that simple words fail,
when we try to describe the indescribable.
Perhaps it would be a help
if we could create another image within the image
that you have in your head now...

- Neale -

The images again.

- God -

Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words, as they say.
Well, we've already established
that at the centre of the apple orange is the "core",
the core, is in the centre, right?

- Neale -

Yes, that's what I have in front of me.

- God -

Good. Now see if you can imagine this "core housing"
as some kind of room or chamber.
Give it a shape and a colour,
if that helps you.


- Neale -

Okay, I made a shiny, metallic, bronze-coloured cylindrical
cylindrical container out of it.

- God -

Great. Give it any shape or colour you want.
Now imagine a sign on the door,
that leads into this chamber.
On this sign it says
And let's imagine that on the other side
a door also leads into the chamber.
The sign on this door reads
Do you have the picture in front of you?

- Neale -


- God -

Okay. Well, on the inside of the door,
which is labelled "DEATH"
- the side of the door that's at your back,
once you have passed through the door,
- it says "PHYSICAL WORLD".

- Neale -

Where I just came from.

- God -

Exactly. And on the inside of the door
on the other side of the chamber reads:
Do you have that? Do you have the picture?

- Neale -

Yes, I have.

- God -

Repeat it.

- Neale -

Don't you believe me?

- God -

Just to be sure.

- Neale -

Okay...we're imagining that the chamber in the
core area of the apple orange has two doors,
one on each side.
On the outside of each door is written
Death and Birth.
The insides of these doors are labelled
Physical World and Spiritual Realm.
Both doors lead into the same chamber,
to the same experience
- and both doors lead out to completely
completely different experiences.

- God -

So you realise that when you're in the chamber,
you can move to either door.
And when you open the door,
you will find life in one form or another.
There are two paths that lead out of the core area.
One door leads to physical life,
one door leads to spiritual life.

- Neale -

I get it.I see it in front of me.

- God -

One last detail and the metaphor is complete.

- Neale -

I'm listening. Carry on.

- God -

Remember that earlier, in the context of our analogy
through a long corridor or tunnel.
We called this the corridor of time.
All around the walls and on the floor
and on the ceiling was a mural.
It stretched across the entire corridor.

-Neale -

Yes, I remember.
I paint it as I walk down the corridor.

- God -

Good. Now you reach the end of the corridor
and arrive at the door that says Death.
Let's pick up our metaphor again at this point.

- Neale -

Okay. What's next? I enter the chamber?


- God -

Not directly. Through the opening door
you do not enter the chamber directly,
but into a short corridor that leads to the chamber.
The door remains open behind you,
when you enter this passage.

You can sense
that when you enter this passageway
something "happens" to you.
It feels as if you are not only passing through this passage
not only crossing this passage, but actually
"going through a process".
You are going through all three stages of death here
- and it feels like
as if something is slipping away, falling away.

What is falling away from you is the feeling
of yourself as a physical body.
It feels as if you ARE still someone,
but your "sense of self"
no longer includes the feeling that you have a body.

What is happening here in this passage
and during this passage,
is that you are being released from any physically conditioned
limitations, experiences or sensations.
This is the first stage of death,
where you realise that you are not your body
- but that you are still very much alive.

The door that says death is still open,
and you can look through it
to the physical world.

Now you enter the second stage of death
and have the experience of consciousness and awareness
or of confusion or whatever other
experience you expect.
In this second stage, the open door allows you
a back and forth
between this place and the physical world.
In the physical world you will not
experience yourself in any physical sense,
but still have the strong feeling
of being there somehow.
And others who are still living in their physical bodies
may be able to perceive or feel you there
perceive or sense you there.

If you believe that after death
nothing exists or nothing happens after death,
you will slip into "nothingness" at this stage
and have no experiences at all.
I have already described this.
You can stay in this second stage of death
as long as you like.

- Neale -

For what reason should I wish
want to stay in the second stage?
Would I not want to move on?
Do I even know that there is a
that there is a subsequent third stage?


Every experience after death stands for itself.
Whether you experience the "hell"
of your own creation,
or the "heaven" of your own creation,
the "nothingness" of your own creation
or that of a completely different reality of your own creation
- all these experiences stand for themselves.
You draw all memory from them,
that can be drawn from them,
and then move on.

- Neale -

Can we, when we are
in this second stage, can we return in soul form
return to our loved ones who are still in their bodies?
who are still living in their bodies?

- God -

The soul can indeed make such a choice.
And it often seeks out loved ones,
before it leaves its body.


(page 264)

- God -

When you are ready, you enter
into the third stage of death.
Now the door closes behind you,
and you can only see the passage in front of you.
This passage involves a much
a much shorter distance than the one
you have just passed through in your life.
It took you years to get through the first corridor,
but now you are experiencing the speed of speed,
flying along at an incredible pace.

At the end of this passage is a point of light,
where the passage itself
seems to get smaller and smaller.
The light is warm and radiant and inviting
and conveys a feeling of security.

- Neale -

Are there pictures on the side walls of this passageway?

- God -

No. This passage to the chamber
of the "core of your being" is darker,
but not in a scary way.
Rather in a soft, warm and luminous way.
The luminous glow comes
from the other end of the passage.
It is the light, which at first is just a tiny dot,
but then, as you race towards it,
it gets bigger and bigger within your field of vision,
until the light finally...
... All That Is.
