- eo - fr - es - rus - it

Who and what am I
(das Freie-Unsterbliche-Ich)

.... I don’t know how – I don’t know when...
- There is a house in the sun in front of me -
- friends of mine are sitting in front of it -
Alina - Alino
Manuel Manuela
Nina and Nino

I don’t know - if they can see me -
- oh yes -
- They all turn toward me -
- A strange, yet beautiful feeling -

Alina comes towards me with a smile on her face
She greets me
» Hi - you good story writer
Come - sit with us.
I knew - that you would visit us one day. «

All of them greet me with a friendly
» Hello «

That is a huge surprise.
I am curious to see how this adventure will continue.

I start the conversation with
» Since I get to be here with you,
I would like to have a look around
and - if possible -
take part in your conversation. «

» But of course - Alberto -
please feel at home here. «
Alina and Alino give me a telling smile.


» So « begins Alino
we are in the middle of an interesting discussion.
My wife told those two - Nina and Nino
about our knowledge of the ‘soul’.
We suggested two words: the
that describes its nature and characteristics more precisely. «

» But I have the feeling - Alino -
that there is more that needs to be explained.
I have a few questions
that have been on my mind for a long time now. «

» Well, let us hear them «

» Well -
WHERE is the Immortal I situated? «

» What do you mean - Alberto? «

» Oh - Alino - my view on this is:
The soul is at home behind the forehead.
People from India put a red dot there.

- Or maybe it lives in the heart - «

» - The Immortal I lives there as well, but not only there «

- I’m thinking - Alino -
» I once read that -
The selective energy of the
electrons, neutrons and positrons -
from which the human body is made up of
- fits on the tip of a pin -
- that is to say -
if all electrons could dock onto the nucleus directly.

Or in the words of a nuclear physicist:
'If I was the size of an electron then a human body,
when looked at from the inside,
would look like a starlit night sky -
bright dots in a dark heaven.
The spaces in between would then be comparable
to an electromagnetic field or gravity on earth. «

» You’ve almost got it - Alberto -
The Immortal I really does live in the open space.
But it has special characteristics, of course. «
» You are making me curious - Alino - «

» To make a long story short - Alberto -
I understand you.
From our point of view, you people have a limited sensory perception.

We exist and live on a higher level of consciousness.
Our sensory organs are more sensitive.

But - Alberto -
I haven’t forgotten your question
about the place that the Immortal I has in the body.
I will answer it later.

First, I will talk about something else:
What is love - what is joy?

From where do these nice feelings come?
What kind of energies are they?
What is life without love What is life
without joy What is life anyway?
You can feel this feeling as well.
You refer to it as your attitude towards life.

When you are healthy, it is understood.
You don’t pay attention to it.
It is simply always there.
And now a new insight:

The Immortal I expresses itself in feelings.

Every person has feelings.
A person wants to have good feelings.
they are not always there, unfortunately.
That is when you start to feel unease
and start searching for the key:
can I transform bad feelings into good feelings? «

» You are right - Alino and Alina -
that is exactly the point:
I find myself helpless and sad in this situation. «

I understand you - Alberto -
But here is the next new insight:

The 'Fre-Immortal-I'
knows what its goals and decisions
are for this planet, for this incarnation.
If a person follows these goals
- usually unconsciously -
then he feels good.
In other words,
his Immortal I
this is good.
Keep going. «

» Oh - I understand - what you mean, Alino «
slips out of Nina’s mouth.
» I’ve always wanted to be a teacher.
It wasn’t easier -
but I now I am happy with my profession «

And Nino elaborates
» I have often read about men and women,
who have achieved their dream despite major difficulties.
One man climbed up Mount Everest
without wearing an oxygen mask.
He fulfilled this goal - his dream -
thanks to an inner certainty.
Once he reached the summit,
he had an indescribable feeling
of gratitude - fulfillment - beauty.
The hardships of the ascent were forgotten. «

» I recognize that now - Alino -
But can I go back to my question now?
It still hasn’t been answered.

where does the soul live -
where does the Immortal I live? «

» I can help you there - Alberto - «
Alina says with a smile »

And after a long pause:

....The Immortal I does not live in the body...
....rather, the body lives in the 'Free-Immortal-I'....«

» That is completely new to me - Alina -
- that is a whole
new horizon «

» You had a question - Alberto -
now you have the answer.
If that is the truth -
then your Immortal I - your soul
will feel good «

» You’re right - Alina «
Alberto replies with some hesitation.
» A sun is rising on the inside.
It fills me with clarity and certainty.
Everything is soft, bright and peaceful. «

And after a long pause:
» Just as I am allowed to experience life here with you at the moment. «

after a long silence, Alina says:

» Alberto - now I have a question for you.
What energy led you to us?
You are obviously here in body. «

» Alina - I’m a little surprised by your question.
Yes - I am here with you now.
That is obvious:
I do indeed have a body
I can see - listen - think - speak.
But, with all good intentions,
I can’t answer your question.
I’m sorry. «

» My dear Alberto -
there is absolutely no need to be sorry.
Here on our planet,
we are able to move or travel fast, safely and easily.
Nina and Nino were able to experience that already.

Your 'Free-Immortal-I'
is composed of the same
energy as we are -
The Immortal I exists
without a material shape
- like we do -
It is molded, living energy.
On your planet, this energy can unite with a physical body,
That is not always easy.
But that was its decision before it was incarnated.

In conclusion, a final, important piece of information:
Even now, your 'Free-Immortal-I'
is connected to your physical body through a living,
vibrating strand of energy

- Silence -

- Alberto -
it is dawn in your small country.
This living thread of energy will pull you back into your body.
Sometimes it feels like flying.
Often your soul - the Immortal I - enters into your body with a slight jolt.
It is reunited with every cell - with every atom,
and it also fills the spaces, that what you call the field.
Then you have a good stretch
and you will be entirely in your body and back on your planet again.
Because of this ability,
we prefer to use the term “IMMORTAL FREE I”
instead of the word soul. «


I notice that it’s time to say farewell -
- a smile - a slight wave of the hand -
- Alina disappears from my view -
- my house is shimmering in the moonlight -
- I am home again -

From far away I hear Alina say
» See you soon! «

6.The synergy between the - body - spirit - soul/Immortal I -

Text and photos by Elbertinum
translation by Tamara Girke