
Who and what am I
The Body

A dialogue between Nina, Nino and Alino

» Oh dear - Alino -
I have another question for you «
End of Chapter 16

» Asking questions is healthy for the spirit and soul – Nino
So – what is your new question? «

» Alino – you explained the constitution of an individual to us.
The image with the loom helped us a bit.

At school we are now learning that
A person is made up of a
body – spirit - soul
What are these ultimately composed of?
I mean – each individually? «

» Nino – you know – that this is a difficult subject.
I propose that we speak about the body first.
After all, we all have one and it is visible to everyone. «

» We already know a great deal « Nina reckons
» The fundamental substances are the quarks -
the strings and the superstrings – the atoms.
In turn, these form compounds
that evolve into organs and form new bodies.
Well, I am simplifying the process a bit. «

» Yes « Alino says
» the atoms, as well as the compounds
they form – you call them molecules – are, of course, incredible components.
Undoubtedly, there are powers in the universe that can do that. «

» So - Alino -
our earthly scientists describe this to us.
I am under the impression that they are getting closer to reality.
Some are honest and say:
‘We can’t explain how matter forms – and, especially
why it forms. But back to our question:
What does a body consist of? «

» Body-knowledge - Body-ability «

» Alino – what is that supposed to mean?
You’re talking in riddles
Please explain that to us in more detail - «

» - Ok Nino -
You want to draw a person.
You already know what this person is supposed to look like.
But – you have neither paper nor colored pencils.
You can’t draw the picture.
I’m just taking a big step.

Let’s take something that is almost inconceivable.
You want to
create a person, who is flexible and alive.

You can’t?

Oh yes, you can – but not on your own -
You will need a second form of energy.
Then, through two people,
a living growing body comes into being
- from two different forms of energy -

And from the first moment on,
this tiny being has all knowledge and ability stored in it,
from its development to maturity,
concerning who has the power -
to make one out of two «

....Silence – a long silence....

» So Alino - you mean to say ....«
» Yes - Nina - you can say it «
» Oh - I need to take a deep breath first -
So Alino - you mean to say that
I - like every person -
has the knowledge and the ability
to bring my body into being

and then to autonomously develop it further?

I have never thought about it in so much detail.

That is a power,
which the religions for all intents and purposes
can only attribute to divinity.
To be more precise,
I would be something
like a small ‘God’ or part God/ Goddess.
That is unimaginable. «

» But a reality that concerns the creation of a new body -
everything in your realm has this inherent power.


- A small interjection-
Here, on our planet we don’t like the word God «
» And why not - Alino? «
» Because your understanding of God
is a statement about separation.

That is the opposite of what we know here on our planet.
Here, everything is interconnected.

According to your religious beliefs, a God or a Goddess lives somewhere in the universe.
You live on the small planet Earth.
You are tiny;
Your God is everything that you are not.
almighty – all-loving – infinitely good -
- all-wise – all-knowing -
and ... cruel
He, who does not do His will
- provided that he knows it -
- lands in an eternal fire.
I must say – that strikes me as a God that humans invented «
Unfortunately, your recent past has shown that:
People really are being treated like vermin because of certain religious beliefs.
And because of these beliefs,
we are allowed to and must destroy them.


» Oh - Alino -
now we’ve deviated from our original question «
» Dear Nino – dear Nina -
You wanted to know what your body consists of -
it is made up of both physical and non-physical elements,
for example atoms, molecules and the invisible creation of new compounds.
On our planet,
- we prefer to say that -
Everything consists of universal energies that have different strengths.

I tried explaining that to you more precisely.
I hope, I wish
that you now understand this a bit better.

» Alino – you have the ability to explain things
in such a clear and descriptive way. «
» Let me give you a hug «
» There is nothing... good...except...you do it «
he doesn’t’t get any further than that.
Because Nina gives him a fat kiss on the mouth.

Yes – it is so easy and fast to express feelings here,
especially since they come from love.

- Silence encompasses them -

- Silently, they look at the beautiful light in the shimmering garden -
slowly they walk back to the house through the garden
… surrounded by the intoxicating scent of fragrant flowers...

Lost in his thoughts,
Nino realizes that he would like
to hear the presentation
on the spirit from Alina.
Alino smiles and winks at him – he knows what Nino is thinking.

2 en - Who and what am I - 2. The Spirit

Text and photos by Albert Jäger
traduction by Tamara Girke