Horizons – Dream or Reality -

1.2 Morning Encounter

It is quiet and still bright
a friendly atmosphere surrounds them
it is warm – there is a light breeze

After some time, a sound
....like footsteps....

Two people appear from behind the boulder
- a young man and a young woman -
both are dressed in long, shiny robes
- similar to an Indian sari -
the woman’s robe is light blue
the man’s robe is a beautiful thin green
their faces are tanned – the hair a shiny wheat colour
hair and robes are tousled by the wind.
They are not surprised – to see Nino and Nina sleeping
They exchange an understanding smile
and sit down cross-legged near the two sleeping bodies
who are still back to back.

The man clears his throat - once - twice.

Nino is the first to open his eyes.
He has not yet seen the two.

The man clears his throat – a third time

Nino turns toward the shrubbery
He sees the two
startled, he nudges Nina
and she awakens
Nino nods his head in their direction
Nina grabs his had automatically.

« Don’t be frightened – we would like to welcome you »
the young man crosses his hands in front of his chest
and bows slightly
then he raises his head – and looks that two in a friendly way
« We were expecting you
you want to get to know our country
you are foreigners here
we - and he looks at the woman beside him -
would like to be your companions for the next little while

These calm and friendly words
relax Nino and Nina

Nino is the first to compose himself
Somewhat hesitant and a little clumsily he says
« You will understand our surprise
but we really did intend to get to know your country.
You understand -
We are surprised to meet people here
especially ones who speak our language »

Guided by their intuition
they all get up
look at one another
and slowly go toward one another
shake hands
and suddenly everything is very familiar
Nino and Nina let their last bit of fear go
a feeling of deep relief and happiness overcomes them

« Well – then let us get started » the man says cheerfully
and smiles encouragingly at the two.

Under a vast – blue sky
they hike across a green plain full of flowers.

And so they ascend
into the vast plain coming into view
the young man on the left – Nina beside him
then Nino - and the young woman on the right

....it is calm....

and an easy hike
it is strange that they aren’t sweating
And the light
which is from a sun – that is clear and bright
but in no way hot, and shining from a blue sky
Or is it somehow coming from the ground

They reach a small valley after a short hike
bordered by a green wall with numerous white flowers

The young man looks at our two in a cheerful and friendly manner
« I think » he starts » that we should introduce ourselves -
it’s difficult – like this without names -

So – my name is Leon and my companion Leoni »
« And my name is Nino and my sister Nina »
« Great – from now on we can call ourselves by our names »
Nino plucks up the courage -
you need to start with something – and says
« Leon – that means lion where we come from -
and it is said that this animal – is the king of animals »
« I know » says Leon « I even know what one looks like »
« Oh » Nino exclaims« how do you know that -
if I may be so bold as to ask »

Photos and text by Albert Jäger
"Encounter" photo by Heidrun Müller
Translation by Tanara Girke

continue on to 1.3