So, I haven't watched any of the E3 conferences; it just didn't happen this year. I'm not feeling too bad about it though. Based on what I've heard, mostly through people on my Twitter feed, here are some of my thoughts (focusing on the Sony conference):
  • The thing I'm most excited for is Insomniac's new Spider-man game! Insomniac can put out some great games, and I have a soft spot for Spider-man games in general, so this seems like it could be a great pairing. It does look like they're going for the open-world experience which I'm okay with, even though Shattered Dimensions is currently holding it's place as my favourite Spider-man game.
  • I don't care about any of the VR announcements. I'm not against it, I think it could be a fun diversion, and something different to exeperience, and if I were to win one I'm sure I would use it on the side, BUT I'm not buying it. I don't see me dropping over $400 bucks to get setup to use it. Ergo, I have no excitement tied to any of the VR related announcements.
  • Resident Evil 7 looks like it may be nice and scary and moves back to something more remenicient of the early days of RE. As such, I also don't care about this. I didn't care about RE until RE4. I have nothing against the series before that, it's just not a game-play style that interests me.
  • The Last Gaurdian made ANOTHER E3 appearance. Looks like there's a actual launch date this time. I was excited for this game years ago, but this year I feel like I did last year: all of my anticipation and energy for this game is used up. I don't even want to think about it until after launch when I can check out some reviews.
  • God of War is coming back... sort of, maybe. I mean, there's definitely a new GoW game, but I'm not hyped for it. I'm glad they're chaning things up with the mythology, but it looks like they're chaging things that I wasn't expecting and not changing things that would have been preferred. The game-play seems like it's distancing itself from what made the core of the original games. I'm not against that in premise, but it did throw me off a little. I was looking forward to a new backdrop and characters, but also looking forward to a familiar combat experience. If they can pull off whatever direction they're taking the action I'll be happy to hop on board though... although the action in the demo felt a little too scripted and not very fluid. There are new characters though... kind of... I think... the guy you control is a different guy, right? I mean, he just seems like old-bearded-Kratos. Like... he's now uncle Kratos or something. I think there could have been MORE change there.
  • Quake Champions seems focused on a multiplayer experience, so I'll stick with Doom. I'm kinda thinking the same about COD: Infinite Warfare. They may put out a solid single player campaign, and that could interest me, but with the common focus on multi-player (which is not for me) I'll likely skip out on it. I'm actually more interested in Battlefield 1... of course, again, they need to deliver a solid single-player campaign.
  • Watch Dogs 2... give me a break. My recollection is the first Watch Dogs had a interesting premise that failed on execution, and the trailer I saw for the sequel seems to play down that one good thing that caught my attention of the orignal.
  • Death Stranding - I can't get excited about something when I have no idea what it is. It coming from Kojima is not enough for me.
  • Finally I'll say that I don't care much about the Crash Bandicoot remaster. I mean... sure... go for it, but I never really had much opportunity to fall in love with that series, so I'll just let it pass by.
So overall, a lot of "meh's". A lot of uncertainty, and a lot of "I'll wait and see". Not a lot of hate or disappointment, just not a lot of excitement on my end.