Articles by C.Rayz

  • Some Moth Thoughts

    - 10 years ago - 3 comments
    New Moth Trap
    Well I should begin from the beginning. Back in 2009 I got a descent bridge camera, the Panasonic FZ18, a nice little camera for the money. I knew my main interest was nature photos, so I got well into using my Raynox Macro Conversion and taking photos of insects. I began posting on Flickr and a local person Andy Phillips noticed my stuff, well I noticed his as well. He had amazing photos of the most incredible moths!! How does he do it, I had to know. So we began by going to a well lit foot b…

  • What's New

    - 07 May 2014 - 2 comments
    I spent a lot of time away over the winter, my hibernation, and there were a few changes on Ipernity when I got back online on a regular basis. I'm not unhappy with any of them, however, the new 'News' page is driving me bonkers! I have loads of lovely contacts on Ipernity, and it was time to get caught back up with saying 'hey, love that, way to go...' but over the months now that blasted ' Your Contacts: What's New ' seems stuck on the same photos all the time. It does change every severa…

  • I've Done It Again

    - 14 Oct 2013 - 1 comment
    Just wanted to say that I've done it again, my disappearing With the lovely weather we had and a proper summer here in the south UK (anything over 3 days is a record, since I've been here), I spent loads of time out photographying and chasing insects and moths and put off all the real world work and chores. It finally came to a point where I had no choice but to get caught up on things. I still have loads of things to get caught up on, and at the moment winter is setting in we ha…

  • Common Spiny Digger Wasp

    - 01 Aug 2013 - 1 comment
    Common Spiny Digger Wasp with Prey 1
    Well it appears I've done it again, I get confused when I have a series of photos I would like you to look at in a certain order, and even if you chose to skip through at least it would be going in the right Rather than delete them and start again (and possibly just do the same thing again..[its happened]) I have decided to just put up an article about them. This is a Wasp of the of the Crabronidae order, of the family Oxybelus . Its species name is Oxybelus uniglumis (…

  • Moth Madness

    - 21 Jul 2013
    Gigantic Rock Eating Caterpillars
    I have been absent from Ipernity for a few weeks and especially this last one, so I'm a bit behind on commenting and replying to comments and I thought I would take a moment to explain myself. One of the things I spend a bit of time doing this time of year is going to a few schools or youth groups and doing a talk about moths. This has earned me the nickname 'The Moth Lady', which doesn't bother me and I always tell the kids its because Moths are sooo cool. By the end of my talks most kids…

  • My Apologies

    - 12 Jun 2013 - 2 comments
    Well I'm settling in nicely at Ipernity, I actually really love it here. I am honestly enjoying this much more than were I was. The contacts I have made so far and the few that have found me from Flickr I really appreciate, and I have a new found inspiration for nature photos, so I should say thanks to all of my contacts and folks I've found here for that. So my apologies are for the amount of photos you may find coming your way on my stream. We moth trap on our balcony/patio at night and w…

  • A Bit About Me

    - 25 May 2013 - 1 comment
    I am an American now living in the United Kingdom, in the sunny (most years) south east. So I am pretty good with big life changes :) I have always loved photography and nature and now that my kids are all growed up I decided a few years back quite by accident to pick up a camera again. Yes the love was still there all the passion that had always been waiting for me to rekindle it. I've since upgraded cameras and equipment and am still madly in love with photography, capturing and witnessing wi…