Bergfex's favorite articles

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  • 2019-03-29 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Seasonally fitting we welcome the visitors of our homepage from today with the Easter pictures you provided. We thank you for your involvement! 2) This Sunday , March 31, 2019, 17:00 CEST, the Ipernity General Assembly (IGA2019) will take place. The converted start time depending on the time zone in which you live can be found here: IGA Starting Time International IGA2019 Countdown 3) 40 club members have correc…

  • 2019-03-05 Attention please / Attention s'il vous plaît / Achtung bitte

    [EN] We notice again and again that e-mails to your registered e-mail address are not delivered, or end up in the spam folder, where they are overseen. So we try this additional way to send you important information. 1) There is important news about our first Ipernity General Assembly . 2) Please support our project Help with ipernity reprogramming Your ima team [FR] Nous notons encore et encore que les e-mails envoyés à votre adresse e-mail déposée ne sont p…

  • 2019-03-07 Instructions for attending the IGA2019

    Instructions for attending the IGA2019 ./. Instructions pour assister à l’IGA2019 ./. Anleitung zur Teilnahme an der IGA2019

  • 2019-03-01 Invitation to Ipernity General Assembly 2019 (IGA2019)

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Seasonally fitting I welcome the visitors to our homepage from today with the spring pictures you provided. I thank you for your involvement! 2) As of today 38 Club members and 18 "free" users have already committed themselves financially for the reprogramming of ipernity. The sum of the paid contributions meanwhile amounts to 6,338 EUR (21% of the required starting capital). 3) The ima team has now defined a strategic guideline fo…

  • 2019-02-28 Help with ipernity reprogramming

    [FR] Aide à renouveler ipernity ! ./. [DE] Helft ipernity zu erneuern! ./. Dear free user of ipernity, The ipernity website you are currently using was developed between 2009 and 2013. Meanwhile it is ten years old in terms of concept and technology. After 2013, it has grown organically and now consists of more than 21,000 networked html files. Operational reliability is declining steadily. The necessary adaptations to the state of the art are becoming increasingly difficult and…

  • 2019-02-28 Helft ipernity zu erneuern!

    Sehr geehrte ipernity-Nutzerin, Sehr geehrter ipernity-Nutzer, Die ipernity-Webseite, die Sie derzeit nutzen, wurde zwischen 2009 und 2013 entwickelt. Konzeption und Technologie sind inzwischen zehn Jahre alt. Nach 2013 ist die Webseite organisch weiter gewachsen. Sie besteht inzwischen aus mehr als 21.000 vernetzten html-Dateien. Die Betriebssicherheit nimmt zusehends ab. Die notwendigen Anpassungen an den Stand der Technik werden immer schwieriger und teurer. Es ist deshalb unausweichli…

  • 2019-02-28 Aide à renouveler ipernity !

    Cher utilisateur gratuits du site Web ipernity ! Le site Web ipernity que vous utilisez actuellement a été développé entre 2009 et 2013. Son concept et sa technologie ont donc 10 ans. Après 2013, il a connu une évolution organique et comprend maintenant plus de 21 000 fichiers html en réseau. Sa fiabilité opérationnelle a sensiblement diminué. Les adaptations pour le maintenir à l'état de l'art deviennent de plus en plus difficiles et coûteuses. Il est donc devenu inévitable de le reprogra…

  • 2019-01-18 Donations & Early Renewals

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We would like to inform you that in the meantime 4 donations have already been received via the donate button, which was set up on the login page in December. The sum of the donations is 210 EUR. 2) The response to our advice to extend your subscriptions before the planned adjustment of contributions to the changed exchange rates is far above expectations. 124 club members have already made use of this option. We thank you for this great vo…

  • Being Thankful

    When the paths that we take in life become overshadowed with obstacles, the best route to take is to be optimistic and thankful. The people who become successful use their struggles to become stronger, and surround themselves with others who see opportunities from each failure. Know too, that when we focus on God instead of self, and tell our obstacles about God, instead of telling God about our obstacles, we see tiny bits of progress each day as if there is light at the end of the tunnel.…

  • 2018-12-21: Christmas Newsflash/Newsflash de Noël/Weihnachts-Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In order to better inform incidental visitors from the web that ipernity is a non-commercial community and thus different from most other photo sharing platforms, we have changed the information text on the login page. 2) In addition, we have finally implemented the long-awaited donation button. We would appreciate it if you would make use of it, so that the various wishes for the further development of our website can be realized earli…

  • 2018-12-14 Newsflash

    ipernity Club Subscriptions
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The first pass to remove invisible content from the ipernity database has been completed. 14.6 TB of residual data (5.8 million files) from more than 10 years of operation were deleted. At the current exchange rate (USD/EUR = 1.13), this corresponds to an operating cost saving of EUR 6,944 per year from January 1, 2019. 2.2 TB of data from orphaned accounts that are harder to identify, are yet to be deleted. This can save a further EUR 1,037 i…

  • 2018-11-16 Newsflash

    New Membership Model (draft)
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1 ) During the last two weeks Ipernity's performance was unfortunately not always as good as it should have been. The reasons were explained in the comments to the last Newsflash. In the meantime, various technical and organizational measures have been taken to recover the usual performance. 2.1 ) There are always requests about the warnings of modern browsers that ipernity is not safe. We would therefore like to point out again that ipern…

  • 2018-10-12 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Pam's recovery is gradually progressing. Periodical information can be found at Clickity Click . 2. On Monday, Oct. 15. 2018, our returnee offer ends. So far it has been accepted by 139 users. More than 277,500 documents are now publicly visible again. The additional contribution margin is 3,543 EUR. Less the mailing costs and the cost reduction missed during the three-and-a-half-month offer phase, 1,…

  • Please help to make ipernity more popular

    five stars
    [EN] As a small community, ipernity does not have a budget for commercial advertising, but at least has the chance to be presented positively on Google and other relevant websites. You can help to increase the relevance there by rating ipernity with 5 stars and writing a few nice words about it. Thank you very much! Your ima team You can choose from (please click on):…

  • IMA

    Ashampoo Snap 2018.07.11 12h27m20s 024
    Une association ne peux vivre que si ses membres y participent (chacun selon ses possibilités) . Je suis membre de nombreuses associations, créateur de plus de 10, j’ai été président, vice-président, trésorier de toutes mes associations. Je ne peux concevoir d’être membre, de profiter de ce que celle-ci m’apporte tout cela sans y apporter ma pierre. Pour moi il est important de « participer » selon son temps et ses possibilités … Participer c’est faire vivre son association car seul…

  • 2018-04-13 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In the meantime, the beta version of the new homepage has also been optimized for mobile devices. Desktop version malfunctions have been fixed, language presets linked to the main software. The homepage now runs stable in all browsers. By clicking on the copyright symbol in the image you can directly access the account of the respective photographer. 2) The Easter collection of the homepage pictures was replaced by spring pictures from the c…

  • Schneekristalle fotografieren

    Collage Schneekristalle
    Schneekristalle faszinieren mich. Jeden Winter hoffe ich, dass es kalt genug wird, und ich wieder "auf die Jagd" gehen kann. Leider wohne ich in einem eher warmen Teil von Deutschland, aber an manchen Wintertagen reicht es doch. Da ich aufgrund der (blauen) Bilder in diesem Album mehrfach gefragt worden bin, wie ich die Bilder gemacht habe, hier mein Vorgehen: Variante 1: Die Bilder der Collage oben sind allesamt mit einer Kompaktkamera fotografiert. Die Sony Cybershot DSC T9 ist zwar s…

  • 2017-09-15 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members! 1) Certainly many of you have seen already, that the new subscription periods (6 and 12 months) are as well online, as the new IMA prices for the club subscriptions. As soon as we have checked the operational capability completely – particularly with regard to credit card payments – we will give the formal go-ahead for your renewals or subscriptions. 2) We are very pleased, that our efforts to reactivate "Explore" were a complete success. Furthermore we are do…

  • Wo werden wir mittelfristig Bilder im Internet zeigen? Where are we going to present our fotos on the net mid term?

    For an English version scroll down please! Zumindest die Panoramigos unter uns haben allmählich ja Erfahrung mit abschaltenden photo sharing sites im web. Auch jetzt stellt sich für viele user die Frage: Wohin mit meinen Bildern? Wie kann ich meine photo-affinen Onlinekontakte aufrechterhalten und pflegen? Für die meisten von uns scheint Flickr zumindest ein Überwinterungsdomizil zu sein, bis ein neuer Frühling eine neue Photoseite unter dem Eis der wirtschaftlichen Zwänge freilegt ;-) Ein gebranntes Kind scheut natürlich das Feuer und deshalb habe ich einmal versucht, abzuschätzen, wann Flickr denn (wie das mit Foto-Seiten so üblich ist) abgeschaltet wird.......

  • Inhaltsverzeichnis - enhavoregistro - table des matieresGedanken über mein Leben - pensoj pri mia vivo - pensées sur ma vie - thoughts about my life

    Als ich noch klein war - 1933 - 1942
    1936 mit meinem Bruder Inhaltsverzeichnis - enhavoregistro table des matieres Gedanken über mein Leben - pensoj pri mia vivo - pensées sur ma vie - thoughts about my life 1932…

145 articles in total