Adler55 Blume's most read articles

  • French Muslim thinker Roger Garaudy dies at 99

    - 1 859 visits
    14 June 2012 / TODAYSZAMAN.COM, World renowned French Muslim thinker Roger Garaudy, who was an ardent supporter of Marxism, has died at the age of 99 in Paris, leaving behind nearly 60 books and hundreds of articles. He will be laid to rest on Monday in Paris, according to a statement released by the Turkish Literature Foundation. Garaudy was born in Marseilles on July 17, 1913. He was awarded a doctorate degree in literature by Sorbonne University in 1952 and another doctorate in…

  • Ramadanfasten in Islam

    - 1 767 visits
    Mit der Absicht zum Fasten vom Morgengrauen bis zum Untergang der Sonne sich von Essen, Trinken, Rauchen, Geschlechtsverkehr usw. fernzuhalten, ist eine körperliche Art des Gottesdienstes. Für jeden Müslim, der die Reife erreicht hat, ist es Fard, im Monat Ramadan (06.05.2019-04.06.2019) zu fasten. Dagegen ist das Fasten kein Fard für Geistesschwache und Kinder. Frauen sind es waehrend der Regel und des Wochenbettes verboten zu fasten. Kranke, Reisende und stillende Mütt…


    - 939 visits
    VİCTOR HUGO'NUN KALEMİNDEN HZ.MUHAMMED ŞİİRİNİN TAM METNİ L'AN NEUF DE L'HEGIRE (HİCRİ DOKUZUNCU SENE) MAHOMET HZ.MUHAMMED Vazifesinin yakın olduğu içine doğmuştu Metindi, kimseyi kınamıyor, incitmiyordu Yolda gördüğü kimselerle selamlaşıyordu Her gün sanki biraz daha yaşlanıyordu Oysa sadece yirmi ak vardı siyah sakalında Durup su içen develeri izliyordu arada sırada Böylece, deve güttüğü zamanları hatırlıyordu. Sanki Cenneti görmüş, İlahi Aşkı bulmuştu Sanki kâinatın yarat…

  • Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires

    - 654 visits
    the History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians By Richard Sugg Published 27th June 2011 by Routledge – 374 pages e –Inspection Copy Purchasing Options: Paperback : 978-0-415-67417-1: £24.99 Add to Cart Hardback : 978-0-415-67416-4: £90.00 Add to Cart Description Reviews Contents Subjects Description Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires charts in vivid detail the largely for…

  • Eid al-Adha brings people and communities together

    - 626 visits
    06 November 2011, Sunday / MEHMET SOLMAZ, İSTANBUL 0 <!-- face --> 2…

  • Erdoğan promises projects to rebuild famine-stricken Somalia

    - 623 visits
    19 August 2011, Friday / TODAYSZAMAN.COM WITH REUTERS, 14 <!-- face --> 3 Share…

  • ‘We are all tied together in an intricate web’

    - 553 visits
    1 January 2012 / YONCA POYRAZ DOĞAN, İSTANBUL This was the first chance I had to visit a part of Anatolia, and I was thrilled for the opportunity to learn about another piece of this magnificent country. Though I have had the opportunity to travel to many places as a photographer, Turkey holds a special place in my heart. It’s like a relationship, and every time I visit, I fall more in love. It’s not because of the breathtaking beauty or the diversity in landscape and culture; it’s abo…


    - 549 visits
    Gündüz AKTAN * The Armenian problem is not an issue that is generally taken up and discussed in the Lausanne Peace Treaty context. Yet, lately, Armenians have begun to make intense efforts to persuade the world to recognize the “genocide,” seeking ways of reviving the general approach that had once been embodied by the Sèvres Treaty and, in this context, proving, from their own standpoint, that the Lausanne Treaty is invalid. The Armenian argument boils down to the following: “What…

  • To understand 1915, you need to look at Balkans and Caucasus too

    - 547 visits
    1 February 2012 / SERVET YANATMA, ANKARA In his first interview following the French Senate's approval of the Armenian genocide denial bill, the French ambassador in Ankara has stated that in order to understand what happened in 1915, the expulsion of Turks from the Balkans and the Caucasus should be looked at, as 2.5 million Turks were also killed as the Ottoman Empire collapsed. “People in France do not know that Turks lost 2.5 million people in the period leading to the collapse of…

  • Bosnian genocide condemned with 8,372 pairs of shoes

    - 536 visits
    10 July 2011, Sunday / TODAY'S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL 0 <!-- face --> 2 Share…

  • Mevlana'dan inciler / Pearls From The Master Of Truth Sofi Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi

    - 508 visits
    Bir sis bulutu geçmiş, gelecek ise hayal, Gerçek hakikat ehl-i,her daim anı yaşar. Past is a foggy cloud, future is mirage, Real master of truth, lives the day only. Kaderimiz böyleymiş deyip boyun eğenler, Ne hayatın hâkimi, ne de pek yürekliler. Ones who said this is our destiny and submit, Are neither the owner of the life nor brave. Kusuru görmez sufi, kınansa yaralansa, Dedikodu rüzgârı, gül kokusudur ona. Sofi never sees the mistake, even be cens…

  • Çocuk Günü bildirisi

    - 507 visits
    Dünya Çocuk Günü kapsamında bu yılki bildiriyi, ''Daha Kaç Kalbimiz Olması Gerekir?'' başlığıyla Çocuk Vakfı Başkanı Mustafa Ruhi Şirin yazdı. Vakıftan yapılan açıklamada, 4 Ekim'de kutlanacak Dünya Çocuk Günü kapsamında Şirin'in yazdığı ''Daha Kaç Kalbimiz Olması Gerekir?'' başlıklı bildiri şöyle: ''Yıl 2010. Ekim ayının ilk Pazartesini gösteriyor takvimler... Bugün Dünya Çocuk Günüymüş, fakat 30 bin bebeğin öldüğü haberini duyamadık yine. Dünyanın çocuk karnesi kırık notlarla dolu…

  • The earth shall be left to no one

    - 498 visits
    The earth shall be left to no one God permeates the whole wide world. Yet His truth is revealed to none. You better seek Him in yourself, You and He aren't apart-you're one. The other world lies beyond sight. Here on earth we must live upright. Exile is torment, pain, and blight. No one comes back once he is gone. Come, let us all be friends for once, Let us make life easy on us, Let us be lovers and loved ones, The earth shall be left to no one. To you, what Yunus says is…

  • Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi

    - 494 visits
    "Come, come again, whoever you are, come! Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come! Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times, Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are." 7-17 December Celebration of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi in Konya

  • 'Anti-Islamists small in number, but influential beyond US'

    - 475 visits
    A report on the Islamophobia network in the United States released by the Washington-based Center for American Progress (CAP) has highlighted that although the sources that spread anti-Islam sentiments based on false information in the country are but a handful of people, their influence on American politics and public opinion reach beyond the US borders and reach distant corners of the world as well as extremists, including the Norwegian assailant who murdered 76 people in a matter of hours to…

  • Hear me out, my dear friends

    - 465 visits
    Hear me out, my dear friends, Love resembles the sun. The heart that feels no love Is none other than stone. What can grow on stone hearts? Though the tongue softly starts, Words of venom fume, rage, And turn into war soon. When in love, the soul burns, Melts like wax as it churns. Stone hearts are like winter Dark, harsh, with all warmth gone . Yunus EMRE

  • Somali woman loses 3 children in 6 days

    - 463 visits
    04 August 2011, Thursday / TODAY’S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL 1 <!-- face --> 3 Share…


    - 453 visits
    ARMENIAN REBELLIONS AND THE OTTOMANS * Professor Justin McCARTHY ** Ottoman Provinces Conflict between the Turks and the Armenians was not inevitable. The two peoples should have been friends. When World War I began, the Armenians and Turks had been living together for 800 years. The Armenians of Anatolia and Europe had been Ottoman subjects for nearly 400 years. There were problems during those centuries – problems caused especially by those who attacked and ultimately destroye…

  • World greets month of Ramadan, harbinger of bountiful blessings, with joy

    - 446 visits
    31 July 2011, Sunday / TODAY'S ZAMAN WITH WIRES, İSTANBUL 3 <!-- face --> 11 Share…

  • Sieh, was die Lieb aus mir gemacht!

    - 445 visits
    In Leidenschaft fiel tief mein Herz- Sieh, was die Lieb aus mir gemacht! Ich gab mein Haupt an Streit und Schmerz- Sieh, was die Lieb aus mir gemacht! Ich weine still in mich hinein, In Blut faerbt mich die Liebe ein, Kann nüchtern nicht, verwirt nicht sein- Sieh, was die Lieb aus mir gemacht! Berauscht hat mich der Liebe Trank, Sie nahm mein Herz und macht' mich krank- Woll…

43 articles in total