Eefje's most read articles

  • Website portfolio

    - 2 386 visits
    Dear Ipernity friends, I have changed and updated my website, when you're interested here's the link: Thank you! Eefje

  • Mary Frye

    - 2 126 visits
    A poem by Mary Frye Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there, I do not sleep I am a thousand winds that blow I am the softly falling snow I am the gentle showers of rain I am the fields of ripening grain I am the morning hush I am the graceful rush Of beautiful birds in circling flight I am the starlight of the night I am the flowers that bloom I am in a quiet room I am the birds that sing I am in each lovely thing Do not stand at my grave and cry I a…

  • Pablo Neruda

    - 1 919 visits
    If you forget me I want you to know One thing You know how this is If I look At the crystal moon, at the red branch Of the slow autumn at my window, If I touch Near the fire The impalpable ash Or the wrinkled body of the log, Everything carries me to you As if everything that exists Aromas, light, metals Were little boats That sail Toward those isles of yours that wait for me Well, now If little by little you stop loving me I shall stop loving you little by little I…

  • Thank you!

    - 1 815 visits
    For personal reasons I wasn't there lately. Thank you for all your visits, comments, your patience and friendship! Pour des raisons personnelles je n'étais pas là récemment. Merci pour toutes vos visites, commentaires, votre patience et l'amitié! Aus persönlichen Gründen war ich nicht da in letzter Zeit. Vielen Dank für alle eure Besuche, Kommentare, eure Geduld und Freundschaft! Por los motivos personales no estuve allí últimamente. Gracias por todas sus visitas, comentarios, su pa…

  • Edward Estlin Cummings

    - 1 681 visits
    I carry your heart with me I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart I am never without it, anywhere I go you go,my dear And whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling I fear no fate, for you are my fate,my sweet I want no world, for beautiful you are my world,my true And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant And whatever a sun will always sing is you Here is the deepest secret nobody knows Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud And the…

  • Thank you

    - 1 645 visits
    My dear friends, You’ve probably noticed that I didn’t spend much time here lately. For personal reasons that I prefer not to explain. Thank you all for your visits and your comments, I appreciate your loyalty and friendship very much. I promise I will be back soon and I look forward to see your work and everything you share here. See you soon! Meine liebe Freunde, Sie haben wahrscheinlich bemerkt, dass ich kürzlich nicht viel Zeit hier verbracht habe. Aus…

  • Dear friends

    - 1 617 visits
    Dear Ipernity friends, I probably won't often visit your gallery within the next few days, I apologize for my absence. I am very disappointed about the major changes here. The disappearance of many functions and the fact that my page has become a mass product with very limited options to make it personal with an own style. I hope to return soon once I have considered whether I want to stay at IP. Hug! Erato Cher ami(e)s, Probablement je ne visiterai pas votre galerie souvent dans les p…

  • Hans Andreus

    - 1 609 visits
    Voor een dag van morgen Wanneer ik morgen doodga vertel dan aan de bomen Hoeveel ik van je hield Vertel het aan de wind Die in de bomen klimt Hoeveel ik van je hield Vertel het aan een kind Dat jong genoeg is om het te begrijpen Vertel het aan een dier Alleen door het aan te kijken Vertel het aan de huizen Vertel het aan de stad Hoe lief ik je had Maar zeg het aan geen mens Ze zouden je niet geloven Ze zouden niet willen geloven Dat alleen maar een man alleen…

  • Unnecessary clicks

    - 1 588 visits
    Although through time I got used to the "new" Ipernity, there are still changes that I simply can not understand. This morning I discovered a load of photos in my groups that we're waiting to be accepted. Guess what, that includes the photos of members that I have invited myself. I have to accept that you have accepted my offer to join your photo in one of my groups. It makes no sense at all, the Ipernity team simply confirmed that this has changed, without understanding that it causes…

  • The road

    - 1 462 visits
    Robert Frost ( 1874 - 1963 ) The road not taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth Then took the other, as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear Though as for that, the passing there Had worn them really about the same And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had t…

  • Sonnet 18

    - 1 461 visits
    William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day Thou art more lovely and more temperate Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May And summer's lease hath all too short a date Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines And often is his gold complexion dimmed And every fair from fair sometime declines By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest Nor shall…

  • Website

    - 1 455 visits
    Dear Ipernity friends, I've updated my website, including a new blog and page about favourite photo locations. If you like, have a look around:-) The address is: See you soon! Eefje

  • Hendrik Marsman

    - 1 435 visits
    Holland Denkend aan Holland Zie ik brede rivieren Door oneindig laagland gaan Rijen ondenkbaar ijle populieren Als hoge pluimen Aan de einder staan In de geweldige ruimte verzonken De boerderijen verspreid door het land Boomgroepen, dorpen, geknotte torens Kerken en olmen In een groots verband De lucht hangt er laag En de zon wordt er langzaam In grijze veelkleurige dampen gesmoord En in alle gewesten Wordt de stem van het water Met zijn eeuwige rampen Gevreesd en gehoord…

  • A little break

    - 1 403 visits
    Dear friends, It’s time for a a little break. Tomorrow I’ll be on holidays for a week to France. I hope you’ll continue to make photos in your own unique way. I look forward to see your work once I’ve returned and of course to share my french adventures with you:-) Until soon! Mes chers amis, Il est temps de faire une petite pause. Demain je serai à la France, pour une semaine. J'espère que vous continuerez à faire des photos dans vo…

  • Toon Hermans

    - 1 298 visits
    Geluk Geluk is geen kathedraal Misschien een klein kapelletje Geen kermis, luid en kolossaal Misschien een carrouselletje. Geluk is geen zomer van smetteloos blauw Maar nu en dan een zonnetje Geluk dat is geen zeppelin Het is hooguit een ballonnetje Happiness Happiness is no cathedral Maybe a small chapel No fairground, loud and immense Maybe a little carousel Happiness is not a immaculate blue summer Just a little…

  • Spring

    - 1 280 visits
    William Wordsworth (1770 - 1850) The daffodils I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high over vales and hills When all at once I saw a crowd A host, of golden daffodils Beside the lake, beneath the trees Fluttering and dancing in the breeze Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky Way They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance The waves besid…

  • :-)

    - 1 276 visits
    There's always some lunetic that spoils your holiday picture... Il y a toujours un fou qui gâche ta photo de vacances..... Es gibt immer einen Blöde der den Ferienbild verdirbt... Hay siempre un loco que estropea su foto de vacaciones.. C'è sempre uno pazzo che sciupa la tua foto di vacanza...

  • Invitations for joining a network

    - 1 245 visits
    Dear Ipernity members, I receive a lot of invitations to join somebody's network. Some of you might wonder why I don't accept them. The truth is, I don't add people to my network who send me an invitation without looking at my pictures, without writing a comment, or who only add a star as a favourite. For me that is a sign of not being truly interested, and interest in somebody's work and the person behind it is for me the reason why I am here. Love and clicks from Holland! Erato

  • Holiday

    - 1 207 visits
    Dear friends, It’s time for a break. Tomorrow I’ll be on holidays to Greece. I hope you’ll continue to make photos in your own unique way. I look forward to see your work once I’ve returned and of course to share my greek adventures with you:-) Until soon! Mes chers amis, Il est temps de faire une pause. Demain je serai en vacances à la Grèce. J'espère que vous continuerez à faire des photos dans votre propre façon unique. Je me réjouis d…

  • Macro invitation

    - 1 183 visits
    Dear friends, Do you like to take macro photos? I invite you to the bubble group. All you need is warm water, dish soap and your camera. Show me your coloured world! Magst du es Makrofotos zu nehmen? Ich lade dich ein zur meine Bubble Gruppe. Du brauchst nur warmes Wasser, Geschirrspülmittel und deine Kamera. Zeig mir deine farbenfrohe Welt! Mis amigos, ¿Te gusta para tomar las macro fotos? Te invito al mi grupo de la burbuja. Necesitas el agua caliente, el jabón…

49 articles in total