Articles by Valfal

  • I think It's Time to Speak...

    - 22 Jan 2016 - 17 comments
    After seeing several good members and friends close up shop and leave ipernity, I've decided to express my thoughts on this development... Sure, ipernity has its issues, but what photo sharing site doesn't? I think that the photography community here on ipernity is much more alive and interactive than any other photo sharing site I've visited. Thanks to the many gifted and friendly photographers I met on ipernity over the past 2 1/2 years, I learned more about photography than I ever thought…

  • I Begin a New Chapter in Life...

    - 02 Oct 2015 - 12 comments
    If you haven't seen as much of me in the last week or so, it is because I am training for my new job as an Americorp volunteer coordinator. It is intense and comprehensive. This job is actually a one year contract for the purpose of working with my assigned non-profit organization to execute a plan to effectively recruit all the volunteers they need for the coming year. It is also my responsibility to set in place a sustainable plan that the organization can use to continue recruiting volunteers…

  • Ah, Springtime Arrives!

    - 11 Mar 2015 - 11 comments
    After a most harsh winter, it is a joy to see the snow melting and hear birds chirping, busy preparing for mating season! Now for the flowers to arrive! At least I have a beautiful botanical garden to go to for early color; my last trip yielded a few good images. And then there are the very beautiful photographs of friends like you that I can enjoy so much! It's like drinking water after a severe drought! Keep those wonderful pictures coming, I love them so much! Happy Spring! :-))

  • Looking Forward to 2015

    - 07 Jan 2015 - 4 comments
    The year 2014 at ipernity has been nothing short of amazing; it was the year I discovered photography as a hobby. I have all you marvelous ipernity members to thank for that! When I first came to ipernity over a year and a half ago, I was following my fellow doll collectors, hoping that we found a better place than the one we were at. Very quickly, many realized that not all their friends wanted to follow them to ipernity, so they chose to go back to the community they were familiar with. It…

  • Ringing in the New Year!

    - 01 Jan 2014 - 2 comments
    2013 has been an eventful year for many of us, some good and some bad. Here's to a New and Fresh Year full of opportunities and possibilities! My resolutions are few but ambitious: 1. That I use my time more wisely. 2. That I expend less time worrying and more time enjoying what life has to offer. 3. That I laugh more, cry less, and, 4. That I give more, take less. I am thankful for all the new friends I have met on ipernity this past year and I wish everyone a blessed and safe New Year…

23 articles in total