It seems the Corona virus has infected more than just people; it has infected a way of life. The impact it has in my country (USA) is downright unprecedented! All our public schools in Maryland are closed for two weeks. Other states are also closing their schools. All sports venues are cancelled indefinitely, as is entertainment centers like Broadway. Restaurants are doing deliveries only, no sit down dining. Businesses who service large crowds or who must phyically interact with customers (such as catering or hairdressing) are fearful of losing their livlihoods if this crisis lasts too long. Office personnel are working from home. Even the "big box" store I work at is limiting business hours (though I don't know what good that will do except drive even more people together to shop shorter hours). Rules prohibiting more than 50 people from congregating are being instituted in many places. Some people are choosing to self-quarantine in an effort to avoid possible contact with Corona virus (which is good thing!).

How these measures will play out over the next two weeks will be interesting, to say the least. The best outcome would be that many lives are saved and many spared from contracting the virus with only a temporary impact on our economy.

Having said that, there is such a thing as over-reaction. As you know, many staples of life (like toilet paper) are suddenly in short supply. The hoarding instinct has been aroused in people terrified by unnecessarily sensationalized news they've heard every day for the past month coming from a 24 hour news media that constantly paints worst case scenarios.

We need to put this situation in perspective. So far, almost all of the victims who actually died from Corona throughout the world were either very old or compromised by pre-existing disease or both. If you are younger than 60 and have no other health issues, the chances of you dying from this virus is minimal at best. Some people infected by this germ don't even exhibit symptoms (Actor Idras Elba is a famous example). Yes, Corona is deadly, but so is the common flu (from which tens of thousands have already died in my country alone this season!).

While we shouldn't downplay the dangers, we must not overreact to the point of creating a situation more dangerous than the Corona virus.