Hi all,

It was good to get away for awhile, and now I'm happy to be back with renewed energy to photograph and post images. During the interim I was away, I upgraded to an iPhone 7 Plus just for the camera feature. It didn't cost me any more to get it than if I had chosen the regular Iphone 7. It was exciting to discover the merits of this phone camera, and I must say that it is truly a large improvement over any other iPhone camera I ever used (and I really liked the 6s a lot). Last week I had the prime opportunity to use it. I visited Longwood Gardens and its refurbished main fountain; what a glorious experience that was! Even though lighting wasn't the best that day, I was able to snap some rather remarkable photos with the 7 Plus iPhone camera. Over the next couple of days I will post some of the best of these images I captured that day.

Now that I'm back, I look forward to catching up with you and seeing all the beautiful pictures you posted over the past couple of weeks! :-)

P.S. We are halfway through August and I was hoping by now that IMA would have taken over the platform. Can any member from the Association give us an idea when the transfer will happen? I understand if you can't answer specifically, but it would be nice to know it will happen very soon...