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Words cannot express my shame (hence even the Chinook hangs it head) on this new day of infamy when all the lies of our Vietnam "success" are repeated, Chinooks ferry out Americans as the leadership or more aptly the cowards in Washington leave some 37 million innocent Afghans (especially women and girls) to fend for themselves in an uncertain future if there is one. :( Is America's word any good? Why should any country trust America? After all, it does not matter who is president: Trump, Biden, they both own this debacle of betrayal and cowardice.

At the same time, Washington's cowardice takes nothing away from the bravery and courage of our men and women in the armed forces who risked their lives and made blood sacrifices with the intent of doing good and making this a better world. Tragically it was for nothing because of Washington's shameful cowards (including ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson who fled, leaving some 4,000 of his staff behind, arrogant Secretary of State Antony Blinken who called the mission in Afghanistan a "success" and a spineless impotent President, who as the situation rapidly deteriorated couldn't even muster an ounce of courage to do the right thing) and the cowardice of Ashraf Ghani and his corrupt, inept regime that abandoned their people and country. Weep for the brave men and women of the armed forces, the Afghan people and the 9/11 families. If God wasn’t loving and merciful, there would be a special place in hell for these people!

Perhaps Fyodor Lukyanov, Chair of Russia's Council on Foreign and Defense Policy said it best, "We believe our failure [in 1989] was big, but it seems the Americans achieved an even bigger failure."

Last, when viewing America's "Saigon Moment" today and considering the many politicians who make every effort to resist mask mandates, social distancing and vaccination efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, is it far-fetched to say the USA is a country run by cowards and sociopaths!