Bee Orchid's favorite articles

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  • A wonderful surprise

    My son Stephen has formed a bubble group with Gemma and Arron. This meant he could have Mia for a couple of days to give them a break. This afternoon I heard a little voice saying "Hiya greatgranddad" It was Mia of course. Stephen brought her round to see me she played in the garden while Stephen and me caught up Although I was itching to give Mia a big hug we still have to keep social distances of course, But that aside it was good to here her giggly laughter and to answer her endless que…

  • Some lovely flowers to cheer us up.

    The cherry blossom is gorgeous
    As we are all going through some horrendous times, with the COVID19, I thought I would take some pictures of the beauty surrounding my home at the moment. I hope it gives you some pleasure as it does me - of course I've got it all the time, but you can see what I'm getting at. I'm really scared about what's going on in the world - I normally stay indoors on my own anyway, so that part of the "lockdown" isn't too hard for me, but the fact that I can't go and see my daughter in Turkey, nor my s…

  • Another glorious day, and did some sewing....

    The early morning light shining on the trees
    Well this morning, I was awake early (for me that is) - it was just before 7.30am which is "silly o'clock" to me. I had to do a quick dash to the "little girl's room" as I tend to have to do most nights, but on my way back into my bedroom, I noticed how beautiful the trees outside were looking with the early morning sun shining on them. So instead of being sensible and going back to bed to finish my sleep, I did what any fan of photography would do - I took some pictures!!!!! As you can see…

  • First bit of rain for a few days......

    Pippin looking very handsome
    Typical - we were going to cut the lawn yesterday, but neither of us felt well enough to do so, so we promised to do it today - it's been raining all day!!!!!!!!!! The first rain we've had for a week. We couldn't do it on Monday because we had visitors, nor Tuesday because we had to go to Exeter, nor Wednesday because we had a trip to the doctors - so Thursday was earmarked for the cutting of the grass. So here we are Friday and it's all wet, meaning we can't cut the damn grass!!!! Never mind -…

  • Boy has it been blowing a hooley today!!!!!

    The deep blue of the bluebells.
    Today it's still cold, but boy is it windy!!! I've been watching my trees vying to be the one who can bend the most! So far the apple tree is the winner in my eyes, which is just as well that it's not the 40ft sycamore which frightens me. There is quite a bit of colour still in my garden with the spring flowers. The bluebells are all over the place, I don't think I've ever seen so many in my garden. They are quite tall and there are quite a few white ones to…

  • It may be desolate in the garden.......

    They look big but they are really small
    Well Spring has yet to ring the bell, announcing its arrival - well at least in my garden, so there is lots of green but no colour as of yet. I noticed that the bluebells should be out soon so hopefully that will be a lovely blue carpet. Meanwhile, I have some colour in the lounge and kitchen. Now this is unusual because I'm not all that brilliant with house plants with flowers...... now green plants thrive, but flowers???? Well last year I got these house plants with flowers in a sale - I…