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  • Leben am und im Wasser

    Wer möchte nicht gerne in ferne Länder reisen, durch die Savanne streifen, wilde Tiere fotografieren oder atemberaubende Landschaften? Aber man kann und will ja nicht immer Fernreisen übernehmen. Ich werde in diesem Jahr (2022) und wahrscheinlich auch im nächsten Jahr keine überseeischen Reisen unternehmen. Daher habe ich mir ein neues Langzeitprojekt überlegt, an dem ich quasi immer wieder arbeiten kann, da es beinahe vor der Haustüre verortet ist: Leben im und am Wasser.

  • Global pandemic

    Today marks a year since the WHO, World Health Organization, declared Covid19 a pandemic. Since than there have been over 116 million cases and 2.5 million deaths across the globe. Some good news is 150 million vaccine doses have been given. There may be light at the end of the tunnel. This morning, at the end of our daily walk, we were so happy to see that our local cafe in the village, Cafe XI, was open to serve takeaway drinks, fresh bread and milk and a limited number of other groceri…

  • An Extraordinary December

    In his “Autumn Hymn,” Richard Newell observed: Soon shall all the songless wood Shiver in the deepening snow… Instead, December 2015 unveiled an entirely different scenario. Large parts of North America, Europe, and Asia basked in unseasonable warmth. In North America, as wave after wave of warmth washed over the Continent, the “deepening snow” did not come and the “songless wood” did not “shiver.” Rather, the verse of Alice Lord’s “Indian Summer’s Aftermath” much better describ…

  • Un photographe ...
