micritter's most commented articles

  • An amoeba captures a diatom (video)

    A microscope video that shows a testate amoeba extending a pseudopod towards a nearby diatom and capturing it (to feed on it). There are more diatoms visible that have already been captured. Near the very end of the video, I focus the microscope on the upper surface of the amoeba's shell to show its structure. Please click on the link in order to view the video: www.dropbox.com/s/16bpjar3t3l8gf6/PC213280_Amoeba_and_Diatom.mpg?dl=0

  • Bird Song Recordings

    I recorded the bird songs (posted in the Docs section) in my backyard using a small Olympus digital recorder. I converted the .WMA files into .mp3 files using software ( Jodix Free WMA to MP3 Converter ). I then filtered the background noise and applied a high pass filter also using software ( Audacity ) and exported the file in .mp3 format.