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A proverb 02 Jun 2024 new

“What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a chile?” goes a Chinese proverb

Dinesh Dinesh 2 visits

Dialektiko de Europa Unio 29 May 2024 new

La prelego estas aud/videbla en YouTube: Post kelk mil jara evoluo montrighis la fino de la dialektiko. Se la homo volas pluevoluante chi ekzisti sur la tero. La historion oni ciam devas atenteme sekvi kaj lerni de ghi. Sed nur tio, ankau ne sufichas, la homo devas aktuale pripensi la situacion en kiu alveninte trovighas. Char chiam chio movighas kaj chiam montrighas iu novo. Pro tio necesas ankau chiam denove adoptighi la pensadon, al novaj malkovroj.…

Macko Eugen Macko Eugen 12 visits

WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - May 26, 2024 26 May 2024

Today's discussion topic is: "How do you personally distinguish between a Work in Progress (WIP) and an Unfinished Object (UFO)?" It's a matter of time away from the project and whether or not the subject/theme of the project is interesting me enough to finish it. In my stash, WIPs are being worked on, albeit slowly and intermittently. For example, right now, I have two "new" projects I'm working on, and three WIPs which get, at most, two or three days of stitching before I move on to anothe…

Carol Harper Carol Harper 7 visits

émane 22 May 2024

Le vert des rivières Le vert des rivières 15 visits