Frauen mit echten oder gefärbten roten Haar.
Portrait bis Bikini.
Bitte nicht Nackt ( wird gelöscht )
Frauen Babes Sexy Lying Woman Girl Beauty Femina Female Donna Ragazza Femmes Fille Nina Mujer Zena Kvinde женщина Candy Candid Busted Walk Shirt Short Shopping She Wife milf frau sexy hot beauty babe nice vrouw sabrinas women woman Senorita cuerpo sirena frauen wifes jean jeans fashion pantyhose panty strumpfhose slip bh bra candid voyeur
Женщины, имеющие реальные или окрашенная красным вол…
World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography.
This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.
Woman femme frau donna spoose wife female...
…That sensual, emotional, loving and yet so strong creature of God, in all its glory and all its beauty.
Show us with your photos what you see in them, what they mean to you for all the rest of the world to see.
Rules: Please, no porn nude pictures here, only artistic point of views are welcome. No kids and minors as well.
You can post or invite, as many photos as you like, but Admins and Moderators hold the right to exclude any of those wh…
Welcome to this group that shows the picturesque landscapes of Bavaria, its idyllic villages and lively towns, their characteristic architecture and culture. Discover popular excursion destinations and experience the customs of the Bavarian people.
In addition to current photos, historical photos are also welcome. Give your images meaningful titles and descriptions, and include GEO data so that the location can be explored on the map.
alte marode Orte (Gebäude)
Lost Places*
das sind Orte bei denen 'Betreten verboten' mahnt. Die Schilder sollen das Erforschen vergessener Orte verhindern, weil oftmals Einsturzgefahr droht.
Die Orte die ohne Leben sind, oder nur so, dass ggf. Sprayer ihre Handschrift hinterlassen habe, mit manchmal großartigen Grafittis. Oder Vögel und anderes Getier sich dieser Orte bemächtigt.
Verlassene Orte haben oft etwas Düsteres, Geheimnisvolles, klebt hier doch die Geschichte von zum Teil Jahrzehnt…
Zitat von Andreas Feininger: "Technik allein ist wertlos, solange sie nicht durch die Kunst ersetzt wird"
Gefragt sind Foto - Motive, welche zum Nachdenken anregen und einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.
Fototechnische Geschicklichkeit und Einbildungskraft stehen im Vordergrund.
Sehr Wichtig ist , dass der Fotograf seinem Foto einen aussagekräftigen Titel gibt.
Voyeurism, photos for voyeur. The photos of simple candid are not welcome. Voyeurism, photos for voyeur. Upskirt, downblouse, oops, a nipple which we see through the blouse, Peek~A~Boo, etc... All which is seen and should not. Only personal shot. Administrators must have access to the big sizes
The official and untouchable goal of this group is to document what is likely to die out soon. Something that you will forget for maybe 20 years before you realize, for example, that there are no more smoky bars, that the pensioners in the café don't leave their hats on anymore, that you haven't seen Karmann Ghia roaring across the streets for a long time. A fat community sports groundkeeper in full-body Adidas. A TV announcer. Or whatever.
This is a group for pictures of rust, industrial decay, deteriorated objects, abandoned and left behind things, be it in an urban or rural setting. Everything that is appealing in a different way.
traces of feet (of animals, humans), wheels, machines ... on the ground.
Fußspuren (von Menschen und Tieren),
Spuren von Rädern, Maschinen ...
auf dem Boden, an Wänden, im Himmel - überall!
A group for shots taken with and discussion regarding the Nikon D700. Pictures showing the D700 are also accepted (for technical discussion purpose).
Four photos per day.
Quality photography only, please, thank you very much in advance!
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Public groups in which stoeberhai is an administrator1 group in total
red hair
Frauen mit echten oder gefärbten roten Haar. Portrait bis Bikini. Bitte nicht Nackt ( wird gelöscht ) Frauen Babes Sexy Lying Woman Girl Beauty Femina Female Donna Ragazza Femmes Fille Nina Mujer Zena Kvinde женщина Candy Candid Busted Walk Shirt Short Shopping She Wife milf frau sexy hot beauty babe nice vrouw sabrinas women woman Senorita cuerpo sirena frauen wifes jean jeans fashion pantyhose panty strumpfhose slip bh bra candid voyeur Женщины, имеющие реальные или окрашенная красным вол…
Public groups in which stoeberhai is a member20 groups in total
World Photography Day - August 19
World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.
Erotic photography
Erotic photography with niveau. We ask that you strictly observe the laws for the protection of minors and the ipernity Terms of Service.
Chercher la Femme ♀
Woman femme frau donna spoose wife female... …That sensual, emotional, loving and yet so strong creature of God, in all its glory and all its beauty. Show us with your photos what you see in them, what they mean to you for all the rest of the world to see. Rules: Please, no porn nude pictures here, only artistic point of views are welcome. No kids and minors as well. You can post or invite, as many photos as you like, but Admins and Moderators hold the right to exclude any of those wh…
Bilder über Franken , z.b. Ober-, Unter- oder Mittelfarnken ;-)) Post your pics about the wonderful Franconia and your adventures there.
Bilder aus und über die Stadt Würzburg.
Ester's Texture
Crazy staging
Any good made crazy or unusual staging photographs are welcome! Nudity is allowed. But no porn, please! :-)
Oberpfalz - The Upper Palatinate
Bilder aus der Oberpfalz!
Welcome to this group that shows the picturesque landscapes of Bavaria, its idyllic villages and lively towns, their characteristic architecture and culture. Discover popular excursion destinations and experience the customs of the Bavarian people. In addition to current photos, historical photos are also welcome. Give your images meaningful titles and descriptions, and include GEO data so that the location can be explored on the map.
Lost Places - „abandoned premises
alte marode Orte (Gebäude) Lost Places* das sind Orte bei denen 'Betreten verboten' mahnt. Die Schilder sollen das Erforschen vergessener Orte verhindern, weil oftmals Einsturzgefahr droht. Die Orte die ohne Leben sind, oder nur so, dass ggf. Sprayer ihre Handschrift hinterlassen habe, mit manchmal großartigen Grafittis. Oder Vögel und anderes Getier sich dieser Orte bemächtigt. Verlassene Orte haben oft etwas Düsteres, Geheimnisvolles, klebt hier doch die Geschichte von zum Teil Jahrzehnt…
" Art-Foto-Einfach & Genial " Zitat von Andreas Feininger: "Technik allein ist wertlos, solange sie nicht durch die Kunst ersetzt wird" Gefragt sind Foto - Motive, welche zum Nachdenken anregen und einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen. Fototechnische Geschicklichkeit und Einbildungskraft stehen im Vordergrund. Sehr Wichtig ist , dass der Fotograf seinem Foto einen aussagekräftigen Titel gibt.
Beautiful Landscape
Beautiful Landscape
Men at Work
Männerporträts. Bei der Arbeit. Der Name ist Programm :)
Voyeurism, photos for voyeur. The photos of simple candid are not welcome. Voyeurism, photos for voyeur. Upskirt, downblouse, oops, a nipple which we see through the blouse, Peek~A~Boo, etc... All which is seen and should not. Only personal shot. Administrators must have access to the big sizes
Last Chance to See
The official and untouchable goal of this group is to document what is likely to die out soon. Something that you will forget for maybe 20 years before you realize, for example, that there are no more smoky bars, that the pensioners in the café don't leave their hats on anymore, that you haven't seen Karmann Ghia roaring across the streets for a long time. A fat community sports groundkeeper in full-body Adidas. A TV announcer. Or whatever.
Corrosion and Decay
This is a group for pictures of rust, industrial decay, deteriorated objects, abandoned and left behind things, be it in an urban or rural setting. Everything that is appealing in a different way.
Alte Gebäude und vergangene Spuren
Eine Sammlung alter Gemäuer und Gebäude jeglicher Art. Ruinen und Spuren menschlichen Wirkens in der Vergangenheit.
traces - Spuren
⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ traces of feet (of animals, humans), wheels, machines ... on the ground. Fußspuren (von Menschen und Tieren), Spuren von Rädern, Maschinen ... auf dem Boden, an Wänden, im Himmel - überall!
Nikon D700
A group for shots taken with and discussion regarding the Nikon D700. Pictures showing the D700 are also accepted (for technical discussion purpose). Guidelines: Four photos per day. Quality photography only, please, thank you very much in advance!