Discussion of UK political issues and personalities.
Formerly a Multiply group, this one strives to open up debate of British politics, everything from the current state of the coalition to international relations, should Britain leave the EU? Join the single currency (Euro) , whatever you like.
Compartir la música de los miembros. La música ha sido compañera del ser humano desde los comienzos de su historia. Se especula que los comienzos de su historia tiene relación con la imitación de los sonidos de la naturaleza, como el canto de las aves y también de la naturaleza interna del ser humano, por ejemplo el ritmo natural de los latidos del corazón; las últimas teorías concernientes a los comienzos del arte le dan muchísima importancia a este último punto (formas percibidas internamente)…
People dressed in RED
Red : skirts, t-shirts, bikini, hair, shoes, trousers, pants ........
No nude.******************
In ROT bekleidete Personen.
Bitte nicht nackt.*****************
Personnes habillées en ROUGE
: jupes, t-shirts, bikini, cheveux ........
Pas de nu.****************
La gente vestita di ROSSO
: gonne, t-shirt, bikini, capelli ........
N. nudo.****************
Frauen Babes Sexy Lying Woman Girl Beauty Femina Female Donna Ragazza Femmes Fille Nina Mujer Zena Kvinde женщина Candy Ca…
Ni strebas al redistribuo fundamenta de la riĉaĵoj de la socio kaj de la politika potenco favore al la laborista klaso kadre de socio pli profunde libera kaj demokrata. Por atingi tiujn celojn ni analizas laŭ diversaj vidpunktoj la nuntempan kapitalisman socion kaj la porŝanĝajn socialismajn strategiojn. .
Public groups in which Roland Platteau is a member
Ĉi tiu grupo temas pri libroj kaj aliaj eldonaĵoj skribitaj esperante. Mi petas, ke la ĉitienaj kontrinbuantoj skribu en la titollinion la titolon de la verko kaj ĝian verkiston.
The art of painting around the world and throughout history ... Reproductions of paintings by great masters ... Including frescoes, mosaics and icons ... Please avoid: elusive perspectives, smaller formats that are not very clear, and the presence of people or objects partially obscuring the work ... Upload freely everything else that fits into the joy generated by beauty...
To capture the diversity and similarities in terms of architecture, landscapes, scenery and people of the countries of the European Union. In 2013 there are 28 members of the EU:
• Austria
• Belgium
• Bulgaria
• Croatia
• Cyprus
• Czech Republic
• Denmark
• Estonia
• Finland
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Hungary
• Ireland
• Italy
• Latvia
• Lithuania
• Luxembourg
• Malta
• Netherlands
• Poland
• Portuga…
The first cat group at Ipernity!
This is a international group for cat lovers.
Please feel free to post pictures of all kind of cats and all ages. From Kitten to Granny, we want them all!
5 pictures per day. Have fun! :)
This group collects documents about the Esperanto movement: old photos of Esperantists, Esperanto congresses, monuments, biographies of deceased Esperantists, and texts about the history of former Esperanto organisations; pre-1945 items are particularly welcome. For material on Zamenhof, however, there is already a group specialising in this topic ( ZEO ). Old Zamenhof related documents prior to 1945, though, are welcome here. The group also will also discuss whether to include historical books…
If you can ride it, fly it or drive it, IT belongs here.
Trains, planes, automobiles, motor cycles, or skateboards. Basicly anything that moves a person from one place to another.
The main subject of an image has to be some sort of transportation.
If something other than a means of transportation is the main subject of a image it will be deleted.
Temporary moderated.
Don´t spam in the name of this group.
Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments.…
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Public groups in which Roland Platteau is an administrator10 groups in total
Filosofische Impressionen
Fotos die zum Filosofieren anregen , sollen die filosofische Faszination beleben.
Ethnography of the modern world
This group involves connect ethnographic photographs of the modern world
your home
This is group where you can put pics of inside your home
British Politics - Discuss
Discussion of UK political issues and personalities. Formerly a Multiply group, this one strives to open up debate of British politics, everything from the current state of the coalition to international relations, should Britain leave the EU? Join the single currency (Euro) , whatever you like.
Esperanto im Norden
Willkommen sind alle, die im Norden leben und sich für Esperanto interessieren - vorerst nur auf Esperanto
SIMCA car auto
simca cars autos Auto Car Autos Cars automotive carro vehicle vehicles voiture coche αυτοκίνητο cotxe automobil Samochód karozza transport carros coches voitures traffic wagen
Iran and Iranian Iranology : Poem, nature, people, history, cities, ... BUT NO politics
Compartir la música de los miembros. La música ha sido compañera del ser humano desde los comienzos de su historia. Se especula que los comienzos de su historia tiene relación con la imitación de los sonidos de la naturaleza, como el canto de las aves y también de la naturaleza interna del ser humano, por ejemplo el ritmo natural de los latidos del corazón; las últimas teorías concernientes a los comienzos del arte le dan muchísima importancia a este último punto (formas percibidas internamente)…
Dressed in RED
People dressed in RED Red : skirts, t-shirts, bikini, hair, shoes, trousers, pants ........ No nude.****************** In ROT bekleidete Personen. Bitte nicht nackt.***************** Personnes habillées en ROUGE : jupes, t-shirts, bikini, cheveux ........ Pas de nu.**************** La gente vestita di ROSSO : gonne, t-shirt, bikini, capelli ........ N. nudo.**************** Frauen Babes Sexy Lying Woman Girl Beauty Femina Female Donna Ragazza Femmes Fille Nina Mujer Zena Kvinde женщина Candy Ca…
Ni strebas al redistribuo fundamenta de la riĉaĵoj de la socio kaj de la politika potenco favore al la laborista klaso kadre de socio pli profunde libera kaj demokrata. Por atingi tiujn celojn ni analizas laŭ diversaj vidpunktoj la nuntempan kapitalisman socion kaj la porŝanĝajn socialismajn strategiojn. .
Public groups in which Roland Platteau is a member63 groups in total
Iper rondo de Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda
Esperanto je la servo de la sociaj debatoj
Libroj kaj aliaj eldonaĵoj esperante
Ĉi tiu grupo temas pri libroj kaj aliaj eldonaĵoj skribitaj esperante. Mi petas, ke la ĉitienaj kontrinbuantoj skribu en la titollinion la titolon de la verko kaj ĝian verkiston.
Great painters of all time
The art of painting around the world and throughout history ... Reproductions of paintings by great masters ... Including frescoes, mosaics and icons ... Please avoid: elusive perspectives, smaller formats that are not very clear, and the presence of people or objects partially obscuring the work ... Upload freely everything else that fits into the joy generated by beauty...
European Union
⚠️ ADMIN WANTED ⚠️ To capture the diversity and similarities in terms of architecture, landscapes, scenery and people of the countries of the European Union. In 2013 there are 28 members of the EU: • Austria • Belgium • Bulgaria • Croatia • Cyprus • Czech Republic • Denmark • Estonia • Finland • France • Germany • Greece • Hungary • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Malta • Netherlands • Poland • Portuga…
Katzen - Cats - Chats - Gatos- Katoj - Katten
The first cat group at Ipernity! This is a international group for cat lovers. Please feel free to post pictures of all kind of cats and all ages. From Kitten to Granny, we want them all! 5 pictures per day. Have fun! :)
The Group for all cemetery-pics. Please tag your pics with the name of the city, thank You!
Roses - All Roses
Roses nothing but roses!
History of the Esperanto Movement
This group collects documents about the Esperanto movement: old photos of Esperantists, Esperanto congresses, monuments, biographies of deceased Esperantists, and texts about the history of former Esperanto organisations; pre-1945 items are particularly welcome. For material on Zamenhof, however, there is already a group specialising in this topic ( ZEO ). Old Zamenhof related documents prior to 1945, though, are welcome here. The group also will also discuss whether to include historical books…
Religiöse Bauten - Religious buildings
from outside, from inside and also details... Limited. We do not tolerate pictures with badges between the comments. Thanks :)
If you can ride it, fly it or drive it, IT belongs here. Trains, planes, automobiles, motor cycles, or skateboards. Basicly anything that moves a person from one place to another. The main subject of an image has to be some sort of transportation. If something other than a means of transportation is the main subject of a image it will be deleted. Temporary moderated. Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments.…