Sight and Sound
For lovers of photography and music.
1. Upload a photo with a link to a piece of music.
Add a description saying why the music links to the photo (not always necessary), the description can be short or as detailed as you wish. Tenuous links are more than welcome.
2. Music that is already in the public domain (i.e You Tube) is fine and most people can access these easily. Deezer is okay too, although you may need an account to hear more than a 30 se…
Public groups in which Karen's Place is a moderator
Show the photos taken with an ICM: either with a voluntary movement of the camera, or with a zoom effect; the result must be creative and artistic, of good quality.
No shocking photos
A two-fold group - taken directly from two groups (that i love) of the same names on another photo site. So go with either or both:
1) "For those of us that really hate nature photos, but take them anyway. We may even do it well, and that pisses us off even more."
2) "Many people feel that their nature images are inadequate, or 'crappy'. This group welcomes any nature shots, even if they are crappy!"
(I couldn't write the object of the group better than the originals - thus th…
With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc.
Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right...
We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome
Monochrome to any color is also accepted.
Each color and shade has an individual effect and is strong seen this way.
Consequently, all colors are welcome : bold colors, monochromatic images, psychedelic color combinations, abstract or natural colors...
Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life.
Rest in peace my very dear friend…
In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.
Krasse Farben... Farben und nochmals Farben !
Couleurs vives ... couleurs et encore des couleurs!
Crass colors ... colors and colors again!
Pink to brighten up our days.
Everything is pink
Everything is pink
Tutto è rosa
Anything related to Rose is welcome.
Thank you for your kind contribution and collaboration.
Invite us to see the birds in your yard or park at bird feeders. Interest will be in the feeders and the birds together. In other words, no birds without a feeder and no feeders without a bird present. You may also include birdbaths.
The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.)
Have fun with it!
Please note:
- Only one image a week!
- No nude pictures!
- Respect the start and stop signs!
Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.
Les plantes de la famille des Euphorbes , qu'elles soient herbacées , arbustives ou succulentes et piquantes
Qu'elles soient sauvages ou cultivées
Merci de proposer des photos de qualité suffisante, et , si possible, de bien identifier la plante, sinon , éventuellement, je peux le faire
regroupons ici de belles photos de lamiacées
-Caractéristiques :
Fleurs à symétrie bilatérale ( zygomorphe) , labiées ( une ou deux lèvres)
tige carrée et feuilles opposées
- Principaux genres :
Beaucoup de lamiacées au jardin et dans la maison: sauges , lavandes , lamiers , cataires ( Nepeta), thyms et romarins , menthes , origan et marjolaine , monardes , phlomis, mélisse, basilic, plectranthus, coleus, stachys , Leonotis, Perilla , physostegia , Verveines , sariettes , agastaches
- Parmi…
HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity.
A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening.
And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM).
Founder of the group: "…
Different groups of tulips!
Fringed tulip, also called Lace: its petals are cut.
Triumph Tulip: It comes in bright or pastel colours.
Fleur de lys tulip!
The Pluriflore tulip!
In short, all kinds of Tulips!
Welcome to this group!
thank you in advance for your participation ♥
Pictures of Nature:
Landscapes with sea, beach, rivers, trees, animals, people, plants, flowers...NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc...
Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning!
As I'm not still 100% recovered from my last surgery, appreciate if you keep an eye in the group and let me know if you see something wrong! Thank you!!!
Photos de Nature:
Paysages avec la mer, la plage, les rivières, les arbres, les animaux, les gens, le…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Karen's Place is an administrator1 group in total
Sight and Sound
Sight and Sound For lovers of photography and music. GROUP RULES ~ PLEASE READ. 1. Upload a photo with a link to a piece of music. Add a description saying why the music links to the photo (not always necessary), the description can be short or as detailed as you wish. Tenuous links are more than welcome. 2. Music that is already in the public domain (i.e You Tube) is fine and most people can access these easily. Deezer is okay too, although you may need an account to hear more than a 30 se…
Public groups in which Karen's Place is a moderator1 group in total
Intentional Camera Moving- Photos with ICM
Show the photos taken with an ICM: either with a voluntary movement of the camera, or with a zoom effect; the result must be creative and artistic, of good quality. No shocking photos
Public groups in which Karen's Place is a member32 groups in total
naturey crap - crappy nature
A two-fold group - taken directly from two groups (that i love) of the same names on another photo site. So go with either or both: 1) "For those of us that really hate nature photos, but take them anyway. We may even do it well, and that pisses us off even more." ------------- 2) "Many people feel that their nature images are inadequate, or 'crappy'. This group welcomes any nature shots, even if they are crappy!" (I couldn't write the object of the group better than the originals - thus th…
Photos in 16 / 9 format No panoramic or other photos All subjects are accepted, except the shocking ones
Monochrome Photography
With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc. Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right... We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome Monochrome to any color is also accepted.
Strong Colors
Each color and shade has an individual effect and is strong seen this way. Consequently, all colors are welcome : bold colors, monochromatic images, psychedelic color combinations, abstract or natural colors...
Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life. Rest in peace my very dear friend… In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.
" - A CRAZY COLORS group - " Krasse Farben... Farben und nochmals Farben ! Couleurs vives ... couleurs et encore des couleurs! Crass colors ... colors and colors again!
Pink Rosa Rose
Pink to brighten up our days. Everything is pink Everything is pink Tutto è rosa Anything related to Rose is welcome. Thank you for your kind contribution and collaboration.
Birds at Feeders / Oiseaux aux Mangeoires / Vogel an Futterhauschen
Invite us to see the birds in your yard or park at bird feeders. Interest will be in the feeders and the birds together. In other words, no birds without a feeder and no feeders without a bird present. You may also include birdbaths.
The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.
Flo. Fam. : Euphorbiaceae... les euphorbes herbacées et succulentes
Les plantes de la famille des Euphorbes , qu'elles soient herbacées , arbustives ou succulentes et piquantes Qu'elles soient sauvages ou cultivées Merci de proposer des photos de qualité suffisante, et , si possible, de bien identifier la plante, sinon , éventuellement, je peux le faire
Flo. Fam.: Lamiaceae-Verbenaceae , les lamiacées et verbénacées , famille des lamiers et des verveines
regroupons ici de belles photos de lamiacées -Caractéristiques : Fleurs à symétrie bilatérale ( zygomorphe) , labiées ( une ou deux lèvres) tige carrée et feuilles opposées - Principaux genres : Beaucoup de lamiacées au jardin et dans la maison: sauges , lavandes , lamiers , cataires ( Nepeta), thyms et romarins , menthes , origan et marjolaine , monardes , phlomis, mélisse, basilic, plectranthus, coleus, stachys , Leonotis, Perilla , physostegia , Verveines , sariettes , agastaches - Parmi…
moments in move - Intentional Camera Movement
Pictures that move ... and were taken by moving the camera intentionally during the exposure
HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
HBM "Happy Bench Monday" A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity. A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM). Founder of the group: "…
Can't believe, that no one has found a "birds" group! So - here it is :)
Birds - All Birds - Only Birds
All birds - large, small, wild or tame
Different groups of tulips! Fringed tulip, also called Lace: its petals are cut. Triumph Tulip: It comes in bright or pastel colours. Fleur de lys tulip! The Pluriflore tulip! In short, all kinds of Tulips! Welcome to this group! thank you in advance for your participation ♥
Ipernity Members Association Project
This is a group to inform all users of IPERNITY about the progress of the IMA project. All entries which support this concern, are very welcome.
Pictures of Nature: Landscapes with sea, beach, rivers, trees, animals, people, plants, flowers...NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc... Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning! As I'm not still 100% recovered from my last surgery, appreciate if you keep an eye in the group and let me know if you see something wrong! Thank you!!! Photos de Nature: Paysages avec la mer, la plage, les rivières, les arbres, les animaux, les gens, le…