About Joel Dinda

Joel Dinda

Mostly I'm gone--back to the other place. But I drop in here occasionally and just look around a bit.

For me photography's first about framing. I'm certainly aware of color, exposure, and focus, and I definitely give them thought, but what I see, and try to capture, is objects and context.

I've been taking pictures for most of my life; there've been times when I've taken lots of pictures. And I've often owned very good equipment. Nonetheless, photography's my hobby, and I don't claim any special talent.

My LibraryThing profile's probably my best online self-portrait.

General technical notes: I often crop my photographs. I generally push the saturation up a bit and sharpen the image slightly. Most pics are processed through Dx0 Photolab. I sometimes process pix using Affinity Photo, instead, as it offers a different set of tools.

I occasionally experiment with these tools--those experiments may or may not get described in my captions. (Some, but not all, of this shows in the EXIF data, which is always worth looking at if you want to know how someone took a picture.)

I've also got my father's photo collection. I scan and post those from time to time, too.

Thanks for looking. Hope you enjoy.

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Occupation: Gummint Bureaucrat (RET)