What if we made this group a group of excellence!!!
Your photo is interesting, beautiful or well constructed... It has been more than 48 hours since you published it and you have not had a sufficient audience for it to be distinguished... so it is welcome here!
Comme son nom l'indique...portrait, portraits ( plusieurs !! ) ,visages, faces , autoportraits, tout ce qui ressemble à des êtres humains,même beaux, même moches, des laids, des pas beaux, des chouettes ( pas les rapaces hein !! ) de ceux dont on ne parle pas, de ceux sur qui on se retourne, de ceux qui plaisent ou pas...bref, des gueules quoi !!
As its name implies ... portrait, portraits (several!), face, faces, self portraits, anything resembling human beings, even beautiful, even ugl…
Wide variety of pix shot with Canon cameras. It wouldn't hurt a bit if the pix are prize winners, excellent, memorable, funny, dazzling or sexy!
Let's see what we can do!
[ einzelportraits.
- von der falte bis zur letzten sommersprosse - ein lächeln, das verzaubert - ein blick, der fesselt - eine ungewöhnliche mimik - eine träne - schiefe zähne hierher! - ... ]
To share the art of tattoos that adorn the body. Show us your most stunning, beautiful, and creative works of art. Show us what you you enjoy in this unique and creative area of the art world.
This group is all about fetish photography. Hope members know the little difference between erotic art and porn. Porn is not allowed in this group and will be banned, everything else is welcome.
Woman femme frau donna spoose wife female...
…That sensual, emotional, loving and yet so strong creature of God, in all its glory and all its beauty.
Show us with your photos what you see in them, what they mean to you for all the rest of the world to see.
Rules: Please, no porn nude pictures here, only artistic point of views are welcome. No kids and minors as well.
You can post or invite, as many photos as you like, but Admins and Moderators hold the right to exclude any of those wh…
BFLOI is a group designed for those who truly admire the natural beauty of stunning and perfectly shaped female legs- whether those legs are encased in stockings or not, shod or barefoot, monochrome or color, or any which way at all. BFLOI is the group's name, and perfection of the lower female torso is the game. :-)
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Public groups in which JΞΔИ ǤΔßЯIΞĿĿI is an administrator7 groups in total
What if we made this group a group of excellence!!! Your photo is interesting, beautiful or well constructed... It has been more than 48 hours since you published it and you have not had a sufficient audience for it to be distinguished... so it is welcome here!
Tronches et autres gueules...portraits...faces !
Comme son nom l'indique...portrait, portraits ( plusieurs !! ) ,visages, faces , autoportraits, tout ce qui ressemble à des êtres humains,même beaux, même moches, des laids, des pas beaux, des chouettes ( pas les rapaces hein !! ) de ceux dont on ne parle pas, de ceux sur qui on se retourne, de ceux qui plaisent ou pas...bref, des gueules quoi !! As its name implies ... portrait, portraits (several!), face, faces, self portraits, anything resembling human beings, even beautiful, even ugl…
Cucho B&W
Black and white photos only Bitte nur Schwarzweiß-Fotografie.
photos beauté
des photos tout style de tous secteurs
Wide variety of pix shot with Canon cameras. It wouldn't hurt a bit if the pix are prize winners, excellent, memorable, funny, dazzling or sexy! Let's see what we can do!
Prech'Art Gallery
*** Tout est dit mais à voir encore. *** Precharmant
Public groups in which JΞΔИ ǤΔßЯIΞĿĿI is a member65 groups in total
Erotic photography
Erotic photography with niveau. We ask that you strictly observe the laws for the protection of minors and the ipernity Terms of Service.
50+ visits
See also the sister group: 10+ visits 100+ visits 250+ visits 500+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits
spurensuche. [ einzelportraits. direkt. nah. erzählend. ... - von der falte bis zur letzten sommersprosse - ein lächeln, das verzaubert - ein blick, der fesselt - eine ungewöhnliche mimik - eine träne - schiefe zähne hierher! - ... ]
To share the art of tattoos that adorn the body. Show us your most stunning, beautiful, and creative works of art. Show us what you you enjoy in this unique and creative area of the art world.
Black & White Portraits - the Resurrection
Black and white portraits
Black and white portraits
Portraits in black and white, the face should be visible and a main subject! No colour, no animal-portraits!
fetish photography
This group is all about fetish photography. Hope members know the little difference between erotic art and porn. Porn is not allowed in this group and will be banned, everything else is welcome.
show me: what is erotic for you... NO Porn !!! No photos of which You don't have the Copyright! No netfinds! "Fine art" photos; no snapshots. ---
Chercher la Femme ♀
Woman femme frau donna spoose wife female... …That sensual, emotional, loving and yet so strong creature of God, in all its glory and all its beauty. Show us with your photos what you see in them, what they mean to you for all the rest of the world to see. Rules: Please, no porn nude pictures here, only artistic point of views are welcome. No kids and minors as well. You can post or invite, as many photos as you like, but Admins and Moderators hold the right to exclude any of those wh…
Showing tenderness under all kinds of variations, except pornographic...
que du noir et blanc, pas de sépia, pas de point de couleur, pas de graveleux
All kinds of faces
Best Female Legs On Ipernity
BFLOI is a group designed for those who truly admire the natural beauty of stunning and perfectly shaped female legs- whether those legs are encased in stockings or not, shod or barefoot, monochrome or color, or any which way at all. BFLOI is the group's name, and perfection of the lower female torso is the game. :-)