Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
When the sky wants to save a man, it gives him the affection to protect him, said Lao-Tseu... Looking forward to seeing your sky in all its states..
The contribution is limited to 05 photos per day; thank you for contributing.
All photos with these colours in MAJORITY ! NO BLUE or others please ! No nude or porn pictures too ! All inappropriate photos will be deleted ! Revised photos accepted♫
Toutes les images qui vous procurent de l'émotion, pas de nudité, ni d'images choquantes.
All the images that make you feel good, no nudity, no shocking images.
Thought I would start a Group with help on Photography & equipment.
So if you have any questions that you might need help with , put it into the Discussions with a very Short heading what your enquiry is about.
Hopeful someone with some knowledge might be able to help.
It is an open Group so please spread the word.
Also be nice to see some of your images.....But no Nudes or Soft Porn, they will be removed ...
- Schöne Fotos aller Art ( kein Porno) - Spass und Austausch von Gedanken - Fototips von Mitglieder für alle und vieles mehr - Beautiful Photos - Blumen / Flowers - Landschaften / Landscape - Städte / Citys - Tiere / Animals ........
- De belles photos de toutes sortes (pas de porno) - du plaisir et l'échange d'idées - Fototips pour tous les membres de, et bien plus encore - Beautiful Photos - Fleurs / Flowers - Paysages / Landscape - Villes / Citys - Animaux / Animals ....... .(French with T…
Amikaro de L.L. Zamenhof - la kreinto de la Internacia Lingvo(Esperanto)- en ipernity.
Ni celas rememorigi lian admirindan ellaboron al la homaro diversmaniere interalie diskutante kaj disdonante informojn pri li.
For pictures showing their beauty in luminous colors against a dark backdrop with nice bokeh (blur) – where light comes to show in a special, unusual way.
Contributions not corresponding to the group description will be deleted or rejected without comment.
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Public groups in which Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿ is a member12 groups in total
Pictures for Pam
Our dear friend, Pam Johnson, is on the path to recovery from illness. This is a special place to add our warm thoughts and well-wishes in the form of pictures in the hopes that Pam will get some enjoyment and strength from them. WE LOVE YOU PAM!!
Skyscapes/The beauty of the skies.
When the sky wants to save a man, it gives him the affection to protect him, said Lao-Tseu... Looking forward to seeing your sky in all its states.. The contribution is limited to 05 photos per day; thank you for contributing.
Green, emerald and turquoise...in memoriam to Vilmar Vidor ♫
All photos with these colours in MAJORITY ! NO BLUE or others please ! No nude or porn pictures too ! All inappropriate photos will be deleted ! Revised photos accepted♫
Speak with your heart / parlez avec votre cœur
Toutes les images qui vous procurent de l'émotion, pas de nudité, ni d'images choquantes. All the images that make you feel good, no nudity, no shocking images.
windows and doors
Photos with intersting windows and/or doors or facades with windows and doors
Union of Free Photographers
Photographers from the world.
Help with Photography & Equipment ...
Thought I would start a Group with help on Photography & equipment. So if you have any questions that you might need help with , put it into the Discussions with a very Short heading what your enquiry is about. Hopeful someone with some knowledge might be able to help. It is an open Group so please spread the word. Also be nice to see some of your images.....But no Nudes or Soft Porn, they will be removed ...
- Schöne Fotos aller Art ( kein Porno) - Spass und Austausch von Gedanken - Fototips von Mitglieder für alle und vieles mehr - Beautiful Photos - Blumen / Flowers - Landschaften / Landscape - Städte / Citys - Tiere / Animals ........ - De belles photos de toutes sortes (pas de porno) - du plaisir et l'échange d'idées - Fototips pour tous les membres de, et bien plus encore - Beautiful Photos - Fleurs / Flowers - Paysages / Landscape - Villes / Citys - Animaux / Animals ....... .(French with T…
World of Flowers
Flowers ... and flowers ... and flowers!
rassembler de belles photos de clochers de nos villes et nos villages et éventuellement d'autres pays. attention, Clocher ne veut pas dire église,
Zamenhof amikaro
Amikaro de L.L. Zamenhof - la kreinto de la Internacia Lingvo(Esperanto)- en ipernity. Ni celas rememorigi lian admirindan ellaboron al la homaro diversmaniere interalie diskutante kaj disdonante informojn pri li.
beauty through light
For pictures showing their beauty in luminous colors against a dark backdrop with nice bokeh (blur) – where light comes to show in a special, unusual way. Contributions not corresponding to the group description will be deleted or rejected without comment.