Buildings of the Gothic Revival (Neo-Gothic), a movement which started in England in the late 1740s and spread to the other countries of Britain, to Ireland and to the continent of Europe, Australia, South Africa and the Americas.
Adeiladau'r Adfywiad Gothig, mudiad a gychwynnodd yn Lloegr yn niwedd 40au'r 18fed ganrif ac a ymledodd i wledydd eraill Prydain, i Iwerddon ac i gyfandir Ewrop, i Awstralia, i Dde Affrica ac i ddau gyfandir America.
An adeiladouriezh nevezc'hotek
No object except to provide a home for high-quality shots of baptismal fonts from all over the world. No babies, families or vicars in the shots please.
For photographs celebrating and recording Anglican and Roman Catholic parish churches in England.
- Sharp, focused images
- Interior or exterior, whole or detail
- Please geotag
- Please indicate location either in the title or in the keywords
- Please ensure the subject remains apparent and visible if using treatments etc.
Public groups in which A Buildings Fan is a member
Anything from the Greater Manchester area can be posted here. From the heart of the city to the outlying suburbs, if you've shot it and it's in Greater Manchester we welcome it with open arms. Only rules are no nudity and no porn.
The Greater Manchester area covers the following boroughs :
Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux all over the world
Tags/Stichworte: Schloss Schloß Schlösser Burg Burgen Castle Castles Château Châteaux
Partner-Gruppe: Beautiful Gardens
the best photos of scottish castles .:) snap shots please...keep it arty..:)......this group is set up to follow the previous scottish castles group which was deleted cos of a lack of administration..
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which A Buildings Fan is an administrator5 groups in total
Gothic Revival Architecture / Pensaernïaeth yr Adfywiad Gothig / Gotika Revival Arkitekturo
Buildings of the Gothic Revival (Neo-Gothic), a movement which started in England in the late 1740s and spread to the other countries of Britain, to Ireland and to the continent of Europe, Australia, South Africa and the Americas. +++++ Adeiladau'r Adfywiad Gothig, mudiad a gychwynnodd yn Lloegr yn niwedd 40au'r 18fed ganrif ac a ymledodd i wledydd eraill Prydain, i Iwerddon ac i gyfandir Ewrop, i Awstralia, i Dde Affrica ac i ddau gyfandir America. +++++ An adeiladouriezh nevezc'hotek ++++…
" Cartes postales et photos historiques de partout dans le monde / Historische Postkarten und Photos aus aller Welt "
Documents des temps passés... Photos & Cartes postales ( Avant 1990 ) Dokumente längst vergangener Zeiten... Photos & Ansichtskarten ( VOR 1990 )
Sights and sounds from England's best kept secret, the Beautiful county of Lincs. Please tag all docs with "Lincolnshire"
No object except to provide a home for high-quality shots of baptismal fonts from all over the world. No babies, families or vicars in the shots please.
The English Parish Church
For photographs celebrating and recording Anglican and Roman Catholic parish churches in England. - Sharp, focused images - Interior or exterior, whole or detail - Please geotag - Please indicate location either in the title or in the keywords - Please ensure the subject remains apparent and visible if using treatments etc.
Public groups in which A Buildings Fan is a member58 groups in total
" artists 4 artists " L'échange de photographies artistique entre photographes..
North West England
Anything about North West England - West of the Pennines, North of the Dee Estuary (including Cheshire) and upto the Scottish border.
Images taken throughout Staffordshire, England, UK.
Images of scenes and places in the English county of Durham.
Images From Greater Manchester
Anything from the Greater Manchester area can be posted here. From the heart of the city to the outlying suburbs, if you've shot it and it's in Greater Manchester we welcome it with open arms. Only rules are no nudity and no porn. The Greater Manchester area covers the following boroughs : Bolton Bury Manchester Oldham Rochdale Salford Stockport Tameside Trafford Wigan
Images of scenes and places in the English county of Northumberland.
Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux
Schlösser - Burgen - Castles - Châteaux all over the world Tags/Stichworte: Schloss Schloß Schlösser Burg Burgen Castle Castles Château Châteaux Partner-Gruppe: Beautiful Gardens
Beautiful Norfolk.
A guide for visitors to Norfolk, all images to have location logged.
Images of Cheshire in England
Images from the English county of Nottinghamshire.
Scottish Castles
the best photos of scottish castles .:) snap shots please...keep it arty..:)......this group is set up to follow the previous scottish castles group which was deleted cos of a lack of administration..
Vintage men in the military
This is a group to collect vintage, pre-digital photographs of men in the military. Please do not add photos without men in them.
Czech Republic
Czech Republic. Sights, sites, towns and forests...let's get a Czech mosaic together.
empty buildings, space left alone
Time and Memory of Empire
Souvenirs of Empires from earliest times. Buildings,memorials, souvenirs and other mementos of the imperial hand.