Everything that leads from one shore to the other, bridges, ferries, boats.... over brooks, rivers, bays.... But also everything that happens on or under bridges along the banks.
You are welcome to publish if you have suitable photos.
Overviews of park or garden, or details of elements which are a part of them : trees, flowerbed, ponds, fountains, bridges, sculptures..., which express the atmosphere of the place.
Please note the name of the garden and the village or the city and the country where it is, or geotag the picture.
Up or down?: that's the question we must ask when we see your doc. A kind of optical illusion.
No doc from down to up or from up to down. The "Up up up" & " Down down down" groups already exist.
En haut ou en bas? Ca monte ou ça descend? On doit se poser cette question sur votre document. Une illusion d'optique en quelque sorte. Pas de document vus d'en haut vers le bas ni d'en bas vers le haut. Les groupes "Up up up" et "Down down down" existent déjà.
Bees, flies, spiders, butterflies ladybirds, bumblebees, Beetles, Caterpillars, Dragonflies ... as closely as possible to your eye!!! Only exactly focused pictures will be accepted!
for greater sharing of photographic exchanges.
Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes)
Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…
Pour faire vivre ou revivre nos belles chansons françaises, quoi de plus beau qu'une jolie photo ou une vidéo......
La seule règle du groupe est d'associer un document visuel à une chanson française. Merci à tous...
In order to promote the idea of an exhibition space on Ipernity, Anthony and I have decided to make a place where clouds can float over some of Nature's majesty. I hope you enjoy this virtual exhibition.
The idea was retaken by the current non-volunteer administrator. Trees and clouds are the most frequent Nature's elements with strong influence on the Humankind behaviour. They ar…
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Bernard is an administrator9 groups in total
SKY... Day sky, night sky, storm sky...
River crossings and embankments
Everything that leads from one shore to the other, bridges, ferries, boats.... over brooks, rivers, bays.... But also everything that happens on or under bridges along the banks. You are welcome to publish if you have suitable photos.
Photos à dominante bleue.
Overviews of park or garden, or details of elements which are a part of them : trees, flowerbed, ponds, fountains, bridges, sculptures..., which express the atmosphere of the place. NO PRIVATE, ONLY PUBLIC GARDEN OR OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. NO NATURAL PHOTO, ONLY PLACES CREATED AND MAINTAINED BY MEN. Please note the name of the garden and the village or the city and the country where it is, or geotag the picture.
Up or down?
Up or down?: that's the question we must ask when we see your doc. A kind of optical illusion. No doc from down to up or from up to down. The "Up up up" & " Down down down" groups already exist. En haut ou en bas? Ca monte ou ça descend? On doit se poser cette question sur votre document. Une illusion d'optique en quelque sorte. Pas de document vus d'en haut vers le bas ni d'en bas vers le haut. Les groupes "Up up up" et "Down down down" existent déjà.
Marque-pages, en veux tu, en voilà...
Que des marque-pages, svp !
Toutes photos du ciel
dorojoù / portes
des portes anciennes ou modernes , mais de caractère
Public groups in which Bernard is a moderator5 groups in total
Your most beautiful sunsets and sunrises....Sunset & Sunrise
This group only accepts sunsets or sunrises.... This group is public Contributions: No limits See other limitations
Bees, flies, spiders, butterflies ladybirds, bumblebees, Beetles, Caterpillars, Dragonflies ... as closely as possible to your eye!!! Only exactly focused pictures will be accepted! MODERATORS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE ADMINISTRATORS for greater sharing of photographic exchanges.
People in the street
everybody talking, working, doing nothing, in a daily or funny situation .. beeing in love or angry, alone, with others... everybody ..!
Coup de coeur animalier
Objectif du groupe : Soumettre vos photos "coup coeur" dans le beau monde animalier. Vous pouvez soumettre uniquement les photos des autres membres Iper, (C'EST POURQUOI VOUS ËTES TOUS MODÉRATEUR) laissant aux autres membres le loisirs de sélectionner les vôtres! Le but, partager les plus belles photos d'Iper dans le monde des animaux. (animaux, oiseaux, poissons et insectes) Target group: Submit your photos "favorite shot" (fave) in the beautiful animal world. You can submit only the photos…
CHANSONS FRANCAISES d'hier et d'aujourd'hui...
Pour faire vivre ou revivre nos belles chansons françaises, quoi de plus beau qu'une jolie photo ou une vidéo...... La seule règle du groupe est d'associer un document visuel à une chanson française. Merci à tous...
Public groups in which Bernard is a member130 groups in total
Parks and Gardens
All about parks and gardens...
Au fil de l'eau, With the current
When water is painter and mirror lakes edges ocean blue ... Pretty new encounters (animals, characters etc)
The Alps
Any photo representing the Alps and its fauna and flora.
De lumière et d'ombres - light and shadows
light and shadows
Le coeur de ces dames
Toutes les photos concernant le coeur de très près des fleurs en mode macro.
Trees and Clouds Exhibition
In order to promote the idea of an exhibition space on Ipernity, Anthony and I have decided to make a place where clouds can float over some of Nature's majesty. I hope you enjoy this virtual exhibition. Stuart*********************************************************************************************************** The idea was retaken by the current non-volunteer administrator. Trees and clouds are the most frequent Nature's elements with strong influence on the Humankind behaviour. They ar…