Christel Ehretsmann's groups

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Public groups in which Christel Ehretsmann is an administrator
47 groups in total

  • woman


    Created 16 years ago

    woman No sex Pas de sexe Nr. Geschlecht

  • Musica Humana

    Musica Humana

    Created 16 years ago

    Art music--the people who make it, the instruments they use, the places they perform. Genres accepted: --jazz --classic music (concert music, all cultures) --sacred music (ritual music, all cultures) --world music (folk music, all cultures) --acoustic instruments Aural and visual media are accepted. If you post a photo, you are the photographer. If you post a video or sound file, you are either the performer or the person who recorded the performance. This is not a group for overtly commerci…

  • une photo qui raconte une histoire

    une photo qui raconte une histoire

    Created 15 years ago

    A chaque fois qu'une photo vous raconte une histoire, qu'elle vous a permi d'imaginer ou de rêver , vous invitez son auteur à la déposer ,avec un petit commentaire qui accompagne votre invitation. Vous pouvez inviter autant de photo que vous voulez mais chaque photographe invité contribue au groupe à raison de deux photos par jour maximum. Il n'est pas indispensable de participer au groupe comme membre quand sa photo est invitée mais toute adhésion est bien venue et vous permettra à votre tour…

  • Chercher la Femme ♀

    Chercher la Femme ♀

    Created 16 years ago

    Woman femme frau donna spoose wife female... …That sensual, emotional, loving and yet so strong creature of God, in all its glory and all its beauty. Show us with your photos what you see in them, what they mean to you for all the rest of the world to see. Rules: Please, no porn nude pictures here, only artistic point of views are welcome. No kids and minors as well. You can post or invite, as many photos as you like, but Admins and Moderators hold the right to exclude any of those wh…

  • BLACK and WHITE  by Hasty Flag

    BLACK and WHITE by Hasty Flag

    Created 15 years ago

    Seulement "NOIR et BLANC" // Only black and white // Nur schwarz und weiß // Solamente negro y blanco // Tолько черный и белый //

  • Dominos party

    Dominos party

    Created 10 years ago

    Shift emotions ! The dotted line - your photograph is the next dot of the journey ! "Ni tout à fait la même, ni tout à fait une autre." Suivez le fil de l'histoire et racontez la suite !

  • Beauty of Pregnancy

    Beauty of Pregnancy

    Created 16 years ago

    This group is about the beauty of the pregnant female form and the culminating timeframe thereafter birth. It is dedicated to quality photos that depict the blooming of life during pregnancy. Hopefully by browsing through these images you will be able to again sense that wonder or anticipate it along with your loved one --- simply relishing and/or reminiscing each day, each stage, each passing day. ● Nudity is permitted, as it pertains to pregnancy, but nothing obscene; remember this is…

  • Chiche !

    Chiche !

    Created 15 years ago

    From a photo "raw" one of the group, we offer to other members of the rework according to its sensitivity and propose to the group. To participate you must be a member of the The game that lasts 14 days: 7 days to create an image, 7 votes for, results and a new photo. The winner of the deposited Fortnight a picture on Sunday, "" THE GROUP "". Participants must "create" one or more images or part of this picture is visible and deposits it in the blog with an ID order. (Days 1 to 7) Sunday night…

  • i-Prime


    Created 11 years ago

    This group is all about images shot with a prime lens only. Anything goes, as long as it`s prime.

  • Le monde abstrait-Abstract world

    Le monde abstrait-Abstract world

    Created 11 years ago

    Toute abstraction en Art digital, pictural ou photographie Every abstraction in digital and pictural art or photography



    Created 16 years ago

    Réunir tou(te)s les photomanes et autres faiseurs d'images du Vaucluse et alentours, pour échanger leurs productions et qui sait, mieux se connaitre et se faire reconnaitre, ici ou là....

  • Vélos et Bicyclettes

    Vélos et Bicyclettes

    Created 12 years ago

    des photos jolies ou originales de vélos, pas beaucoup à la fois, avec ou sans personnage Sur invitation

  • Intime ambiance

    Intime ambiance

    Created 13 years ago

    Toutes photos où l'intimiste est le sujet centrale de la prise de vue

  • Love Perfume***

    Love Perfume***

    Created 13 years ago

    Welcome ****** In our group hung all issues related to pure love. Only creations or photographs that they have as the main theme the love and romance, have place here. Please do not post anything obscene. These issues will be posted after approval by administrators. Please members, to respect the rules of the group. These creations will be posted only upon invitation.

  • Analyse et échanges d'idées sur les arts de notre réseau.

    Analyse et échanges d'idées sur les arts de notre réseau.

    Created 14 years ago

    Acquérir un meilleur niveau en Art de Photographie.

  • les merveilles

  • Grupo del Intercambio Imagenes Gratis

    Grupo del Intercambio Imagenes Gratis

    Created 17 years ago

    La temática es que nos podamos unir para intercambiar libremente imágenes o copiarlas sin temor de que dichas imágenes estén protegidas por derecho de autor. Recomendamos subir vuestras imágenes al Grupo que es de todos. Por lo menos una. ademas ella si gusta te derivará mucha gente a tu blog.

  • Ipernity Alpha Group

    Ipernity Alpha Group

    Created 16 years ago

    Only with invitation photographs... Very special group and very special members.. Photos that have artistic and sincerity scene...

  • My 10 best shots !

    My 10 best shots !

    Created 15 years ago

    Groupe "d'excellence" évolutif visant à rassembler uniquement les 10 meilleures photos de chaque membre du Groupe. Le choix des meilleures photos est laissé à la libre appréciation de chaque membre. Chaque membre est donc libre d'ajouter et de retirer une ou des photos au fil du temps pour n'y laisser que les photos qu'ils considèrent être les meilleures de sa galerie. Tous les styles de photos sont acceptés, en couleurs ou en N & B. Cependant, le ou les Administrateurs/Modérateurs du Groupe…

  • Portrait


    Created 17 years ago

    Welcome to portrait photos group. Please add a tag "portrait". To keep this Portrait group a real group for Portraiture, the rules of the group have been revised to the following: 1 - Only Portraits of a Person or People are allowed in the group. 2 - The Person or People must be the main subject matter in the image. 3 - Nudes are allowed. Porn, fetish, bondage, ... do not belong in the portrait group. 4 - Only post photos you shot yourself and for which you own the copyright. Photos f…