The group is:
Statues, fountain,
Water too! lakes, streams, waterfalls, sea, ...
Churches, Cathedrals, Chapels, castle, ancient village, stone, sinks,
Pictures of street furniture,
Forest, trees, nature
No pictures of children, nor private photos
No pets.
Now Europe
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Public groups in which ATAMA is a member3 groups in total
Fields--Linegames--super landscape- pasture's
velden-akkers--weiden-byzondere landschappen
Oude gebouwen-kastelen-hoeven-watermolens-kerken-bruggen ed
Kastelen--Burchten--Hoeven -farms-watermolens-kerken-etc liefst alleen oudere gebouwen
The group is: Statues, fountain, Water too! lakes, streams, waterfalls, sea, ... Churches, Cathedrals, Chapels, castle, ancient village, stone, sinks, Pictures of street furniture, sunset. Forest, trees, nature No pictures of children, nor private photos No pets. Now Europe