Ronald Losure's groups

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Public groups in which Ronald Losure is an administrator
3 groups in total

Public groups in which Ronald Losure is a member
82 groups in total

  • Hérons, aigrettes, butors...............

    Hérons, aigrettes, butors...............

    Created 14 years ago

    Vos photos des Ardeidae (ou ardéidés) sont une famille d'oiseaux constituée de 19 genres et de 67 espèces de hérons, aigrettes, butors et apparentées (crabiers, bihoreaux, savacou, onorés et blongios).

  • Insects


    Created 17 years ago

    Anything creepy-crawly, the closer (macros) the better!

  • Insect Macros

    Insect Macros

    Created 17 years ago

    A group for all kind of insect macros. That means, that the insect hast to be the main part of the photo. The closer the better ;) Take part, have fun and enjoy the other members pictures:)

  • #matrix of present times

    #matrix of present times

    Created 15 years ago

    | Present here photos of || Futurism ||| Sci-fi |||| Innovation ||||| Utopia & dystopia

  • "L'héphémère" pour le plaisir des yeux

    "L'héphémère" pour le plaisir des yeux

    Created 5 years ago

    ... quelques secondes à quelques minutes tout ce qui ravit l'oeil ! Un arc en ciel,une goutte d'eau suspendue,une ombre portée élégante,un crépuscule, un reflet, un rai de lumière, la lune dans les nuages, des traces ou des motifs sur le sable, un ciel nuageux et plus encore !

  • Moths


    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group for photographs of all types of moths. Any type of moth is okay, and from all over the world too.

  • Lézards, Reptiles, Amphibiens, Escargots, etc ... !

    Lézards, Reptiles, Amphibiens, Escargots, etc ... !

    Created 8 years ago

    Comme le titre le suggère, les belles photos de lézards, serpents, grenouilles, salamandres, tritons, crapauds, crocodiles et même princes charmants ... sont les bienvenues dans ce groupe ! Pas plus de 3 par jour et je me réserve le droit de supprimer celles qui ne sont pas dans le thème ( ou vraiment moches ! ). N'hésitez pas à proposer dans le groupe les photos que vous croisez durant vos visites! Amitiés aux futurs inscrits et contributeurs !

  • Birds of my world

    Birds of my world

    Created 13 years ago

    The only ambition of this "Birds of my world" Group is to want to modestly participate in raising awareness among a larger number of people about the protection of birds, so that one day, future generations cannot blame us for having destroyed their environment. The land and animals do not belong to us. Learning to respect the earth and animals is learning to respect man.

  • Flo. Fam.: Liliaceae, Asparagaceae, Convallariaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Alstroemeriaceae

    Flo. Fam.: Liliaceae, Asparagaceae, Convallariaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Alstroemeriaceae

    Created 7 years ago

    Montrer des plantes , des fleurs de cette belle famille : Asparagaceae: Lis , hémérocalles, tulipes, jacinthes , muguet, fritillaires , tricyrtis, érythrones, gagées, scilles, muscaris, liriopes , ophiopogons, muscaris, Lachenalia, ornithogalum ( asphodèles), camassia, eucomis , tritelia, aphyllante, asparagus, chlorophytum, agaves , ruscus, nolina , dracaena , aspidistra , beaucarnea, yucca, cordyline.... etc Convallariaceae : muguet ,polygonatum, maianthème, parisette..... Amaryllidaceae : na…

  • Flowers of the Wild

    Flowers of the Wild

    Created 11 years ago

    To show wild flowers in their habitat. Flowers of the Meadow, flowers of the hedgerow, and those invasive flowers in the garden we call weeds! Please do not post cultivated flowers - there are other groups for those. I will accept "naturalised" or "escapee" examples. All parts of the flower may be shown, individually or combined. The shoot, leaves, buds flowers and seeds. You need to show enough of the whole flower for it to be identified, in other words - no macros of just the stamens .....…

  • Only photos of nature

    Only photos of nature

    Created 14 years ago

    Nature, fauna and flora: flowers, butterflies, insects, birds, animals, trees, pebbles, owls, etc.

  • World Photography Day - August 19

    World Photography Day - August 19

    Created 4 years ago

    World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This group is a place for ipernity club members to participate in that celebration by sharing what they consider their best photo, their most special photo, the photo that means the most to them taken on August 19th.

  • Fungus


    Created 16 years ago

    Photos of mushrooms and fungi, or what I like to refer to as "stuff that grows on trees". :)

  • Autumn colours and softness**********

    Autumn colours and softness**********

    Created 2 years ago

    landscapes, foliage in autumn colours only*********** I am the creator of this group♫

  • Only butterflies

    Only butterflies

    Created 10 years ago

    Pünktlich mit den ersten wärmenden Frühlings-Sonnenstrahlen sind sie unterwegs: Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) in verschiedenen Farben, Formen und Größen. Sie heißen Admiral, Tagpfauenauge, Kleiner Fuchs, Zitronen- oder Distelfalter. Schmetterlinge gehören biologisch betrachtet zu den Insekten und sind nach den Käfern die zweitreichste Insekten-Ordnung. Zeigt uns Schmetterlinge in allen Farben und Formen.

  • Dragonfly - Libellen - Libellules

    Dragonfly - Libellen - Libellules

    Created 17 years ago

    Dragonflies are a masterpiece of evolution. Please join our group if you've managed to take some good pictures of one (or more) of these artists of flying. And, of course, feel free to invite any dragonfly-picture you like.

  • naturey crap - crappy nature

    naturey crap - crappy nature

    Created 11 years ago

    A two-fold group - taken directly from two groups (that i love) of the same names on another photo site. So go with either or both: 1) "For those of us that really hate nature photos, but take them anyway. We may even do it well, and that pisses us off even more." ------------- 2) "Many people feel that their nature images are inadequate, or 'crappy'. This group welcomes any nature shots, even if they are crappy!" (I couldn't write the object of the group better than the originals - thus th…