Christophe Ruelle's photos with the keyword: ipernity

Learning the basics of computing

21 Mar 2009 5 3 1363
Frist lesson: iTunes 8 animations... ;)

My kitchen is cleaner than yours

22 Feb 2008 3 1532
Don't you see anything wrong? Our fantastic cleaning lady did really clean the used coffe capsules. Amazing! So what does a clean kitchen means to you? Post some pix!

Lunchtime, sushi, bully and more...

Want some fresh news?

14 Jan 2008 5 1 2319
Get the lastest news from iperplex, listen to our feedcats ;-)

week | 2

21 Nov 2007 5 4 4209
Did I mention that we also get alerts on our phones?... lol

week | 1

15 Nov 2007 1 1 2142
My first contribution to the great 365minutes@V group .

Jumeaux / Twins

15 Jul 2007 605
Un extrait des photos de membres sur la home Marcos Tipi

Having fun with post-its

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Working on week-ends

01 Jul 2007 8 1 867
Wow... so much sun outside... I guess it's dangerous ! better stay at my desk ;)

Everyone has a Flatiron next door

01 Jul 2007 2 2 799
Working since early this morning. Time for a break. Time for photos ! I'm experiencing the tricks Anakronik tought me last thursday - and a bit of lightroom just for the fun. But I don't feel comfortable with post-processing. I'd rather play with my camera itself, there is so much you can do playing with the many settings. Break is over, back to work now - groups are on the way ;)

Google Analytics World Map

01 May 2007 1 1621
ipernity visitors world map , 3 days after launch!

Screenshot de la première version d'ipernity

25 Mar 2007 1 2 727
A priori un des seuls screenshot que j'aies en ma possession

Screenshot de la première version d'ipernity