Wolfgang's photos with the keyword: Viengxay

Landscape near the border of Viet Nam

Young vegetable vendors in Xam Neua

Fresh water fish and field rats

20 Apr 2008 513
The field rats have a taste like rabbits, the meat is juicy and low-fat. Keep away the prejudice and try it - you'll like it!

Laos women selling fresh chicken

20 Apr 2008 2 852
In Viengxay there is a morning and an evening market where vendors offer their foodstuffs.

Chicken sold out on the market

20 Apr 2008 493
Chicken cooked in many variations is the most common foodstuff in Laos.

At the market in Viengxay

Viengxay village

20 Apr 2008 430
Less well-known, nestled in this mountain range is the remote and picturesque small town of Viengxay. Many of its multi-ethnic people continue to eke out their living as their families have done for generations, building simple wooden homes, hunting with crossbows, weaving intricate textiles on elaborate looms and growing rice on steep hillsides and in lush green paddies. Their basic existence in this stunning and fertile setting becomes even more fascinating when the region's untold history is discovered.

Paddy fields at Nam Meo

20 Apr 2008 421
Rice paddies close to the Lao-Vietnam border at Nam Meo.

Water buffalos face

Nam Meo

20 Apr 2008 441
Rice paddies and forested slopes close the Lao-Vietnam border at Nam Meo.

Laotian heros statue

The morning mist is lifting in Laotian mountains

20 Apr 2008 1 615
Morning mist on road from Xam Nuea to Viengxay.