Kees' photos with the keyword: Baarn

Case in point

18 Nov 2014 274
A Roman Catholic church in my home town, neo-Gothic, pretty big. In its design too grand, in fact, to enable completing the bell tower. Most failed Dutch church towers have managed to rise a bit higher. I have once imagined I was a billionaire offering to finish this one after the original plans. I think it would have caused civil commotion: for one thing, bells ringing wouldn’t have allowed the neighbors to sleep late.

Looking at both sides 1

25 Apr 2010 222
This is ugly. I'll be glad when the house is sold.

Looking at both sides 2

25 Apr 2010 252
From the inside, it is even uglier. No need for curtains anymore...

Another Found Face

25 May 2008 2 481
If you’re conditioned to find faces you encounter them everywhere.

The Day After

16 Jan 2008 2 586
For increased stability, the regular Dutch traffic sign has an open rim at its back, which is a convenient cradle for fire-crackers. Small fire-crackers can well use a sound board, don’t they? –and the big ones ... well, their effect is just amazing! To the approximately $100,000,000 the Dutch people spent on pyrotechnics, last New Year’s Eve, should be added the costs of (public and private) property destroyed.

These boots are made for walkin’ and...

30 Mar 2008 3 4 592
...they’re gonna walk all over you. Perhaps there’s some fancy Eastern philosophy behind all this, but I can only relate it to a major work of the American philosopher Lee Hazlewood.

New Year’s Eve

18 Jan 2008 1 5 506
New Year’s Eve, the afternoon progressing. Most shops are closing now. The last customers who still need the traditional fritters ( oliebollen and appelflappen ) are being served. Then everybody will go home, and spend a long evening with family and friends.

A Quiet Place

03 Jan 2008 1 4 372
The Dutch people have spent an estimated €60,000,000 ($100,000,000) on fire-crackers and other pyrotechnics this year. Also there are left-overs from the previous year. Too much to burn on New Year’s Eve, so they have to start early... It is hard to find tranquility between Christmas and the New Year. The cemetery of my home town is not exactly a fun place to be, but far better than the rest, if you ask me.

Baarn Cemetery

05 Jan 2008 1 3 511
Death is as absurd as life. We all know (though we may not like to be reminded of it): we’re born inter faeces et urinam.... –but have we really struggled all of our lives to improve upon that condition only to return to it when we lie dead and buried? In a restaurant you would ask for a better table.

KillerBee Custom

03 Jan 2008 1 2 472
Wouldn’t this KillerBee scooter, photographed in my hometown Baarn, be the right thing for QueenBees? It looks sharp enough...