Kees' photos with the keyword: naturesfinest

Icking - Source of the Rainbow

26 Jun 2007 1 4 589
This amazing rainbow seemed to rise very near to where we live, and to end somewhere near the veiled Alps, thus covering the whole sky. It faded after just a few minutes.

Rose 2 (Color)

26 Jun 2007 326
This rose can also be viewed in “boring B&W” .

Hi bro’!

26 Jun 2007 329
Arguably, I’ve been a lizard in a former life. I’ve no doubt that this is a good lizard who recognizes a distant relative. Taken in our garden (Sony DSC-R1; 1/160s, f4.8/71.5mm, ISO 400, RAW). View this for the same lizard in another pose.

Icking - Blick von der Irschenhauser Straße (2)

26 Jun 2007 366
Links die B11, in der Mitte das S-Bahngleis, rechts die Irschenhauser Straße.

Isartal 2


26 Jun 2007 367
I’m not really a flower photographer, perhaps because flowers are so obtrusive, and leave little room for the photographer’s personality to shine through. That said, I think I have never taken a flower picture I liked better.