Kees' photos with the keyword: Bayern


20 Mar 2015 1 3 306
When we have guests, we often make a trip to Hohenpeißenberg, a small mountain with a church, several restaurants, and a glorious view of the surroundings. The much bigger mountains, on the horizon, we never saw clearer.

Rainbow over Icking

29 Jan 2015 379
My wife showed interest to use my former camera, so I charged the batteries and tried to explain how to operate it (eventually, we decided to use ‘auto’). I was surprised to find some old pictures on it. Most files appeared to be corrupted in some way and couldn’t be uploaded to iPhoto, but another program accepted them, and I was glad it did: I’m sure, the past few years, I took more rainbow photos than people would care to see, but I thought the light was quite extraordinary on this series.

Rainbow over Icking

29 Jan 2015 2 2 425
Apart from the double rainbow (which is always nice to have), I particularly liked the light on the top of the tree.

Rainbow over Icking

29 Jan 2015 334
One of the gripes I have with both of my cameras is that they won’t record rainbows in their entirety: a wide angle of 24mm eq. simply isn’t enough. Well, one tries to make the best of what one’s got...

Inning - St. Johann Baptist

28 Jun 2009 3 516
Jesus walking in between Mary and Joseph seems to be rather unusual, iconographically, but the Jesenwang church , nearby, has the same representation at the right altar, so it may be a local peculiarity.

Jesenwang - St. Michael

28 Jun 2009 2 476
Last Sunday, we drove around a bit. “Get to know the countryside better...”

Isar Valley

17 Jun 2008 12 114 2130
Tonight, we had a full moon hanging over Isar valley...

Clouds over Isar Valley

01 May 2008 1 3 800
A wide-angle shot. The mountains seem to be farther away than they actually are. Photography is all about choices: you can’t have everything ... which makes me sad and angry, but not suicidal –to conclude in a lighter vein! ;-)

Isar Valley and Alps

27 Apr 2008 2 3 617
The same scenery as always, but I like the lack of detail in this picture (best viewed as a thumbnail).

Isar Valley and Alps

27 Apr 2008 2 3 734
The same scenery as always, but I like the detail in this picture (best viewed large).

Icking near Holzen

16 Mar 2008 3 7 962
One beautiful day last week, I took my camera to work. Surprisingly it wasn’t stolen, so I had the opportunity to dismount on my way home and shoot some pictures. The mountains are basically the same as always, but not seen from the usual balcony perspective. The sun stood low, and the light was beautiful.


16 Mar 2008 2 3 650
The shadows were looooong...

Icking near Holzen

Icking near Holzen

München - St. Lukas 1

24 Feb 2008 1 666
St. Lukas is a Neoromanogothic church, in an eclectic style very popular in the second half of the 19th C. I drive by every day, and spent my break time once for taking a closer look. It’s a monumental Protestant church, but it differs from other Protestant churches by being accessible also when there are no services. Watch the rosette on the right: it will return several times in the series.

München - St. Lukas 2

24 Feb 2008 1 3 698
The same rosette reflected in a shiny Bentley. I know it’s a VW really, but still I kind of like the Bentley. I’m under the impression that the make is gaining popularity. Under the wiper is a ticket for false parking; fines are inexpensive and don’t hurt much, least of all Bentley owners.

München - St. Lukas 3

24 Feb 2008 1 588
Normally, the road in front of the church is full of traffic (many cars and one scooter). The traffic lights allowed for an undisturbed view.

München - St. Lukas 4

24 Feb 2008 477
As I’ve already said: the church is accessible.

26 items in total