Sol Lang's photos with the keyword: art nude

Demure Isabella

02 Dec 2010 16 6173
Large view Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Expressions of Satin & Velvet

09 May 2010 41 4 8189
As it happens, I am often at a loss for words when it comes to relating my thoughts and feelings about a given subject. It is perhaps because I consider myself to be a person with a concentration of acute visual aesthetics, rather than that of the written word. So looking at the expression of a photograph such as the one before you, makes one feel in a certain way, yet should I try to express this feeling in words, I risk failing its impact on the viewer, to fall short of the true message expressed by the image itself. When an image is complex in design and content, words can add to its meaning and help the viewer to better understand the artist’s intended expression. However, when words cannot do justice to the art, it is best left wordless of description, leaving the image open to interpretation by the viewer to react, hopefully in an emotional way. React to this image by viewing the large version! Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Smooth Jazz and Ryan

07 May 2010 32 2 6315
View it large . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Girl With Art

20 Feb 2010 9 1 3007
Mood and attitude are the two components that I try to convey with each image. In this image I have well achieved both. I especially am happy with the background which is an art piece created by my wife and artist Mary Bogdan. It is called "Playing Battle Dress Up." I don't want to take away any attention from my model, but the art behind her is one of Mary's most controversial pieces amongst many. She certainly makes us want to take a closer look. View the large version . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Lost Innocence, Finally

20 Feb 2010 43 7 6770
Once gone, what is left is the guilt of animalistic, uncontrolled desire. Yet again, I have captured an aspect of Milena that is surprising even to me as I observe her expression, both facial as well as physical.The gestural sound of a growl, comes to mind. View the large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Pluto, meet Elise...

11 Dec 2009 9 1 3401
Nude on a couch is startled by Pluto, my old, wise and friendly Golden Retriever. View the latge version Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Progression – Elise

11 Dec 2009 13 3747
When writing about my photographs I often weave in and out between writing about my model specifically, women in general and my own point of view of women or my photography as the art form that I have chosen to portray my subjects in. One thing is usually obvious to most who view these photographs. And that is that I bestow the ultimate respect upon the women who have entrusted me with their vulnerability of nude or semi-nude posing. They have exposed themselves to my lens and have offered their ultimate expression of erotica. The intended pose as well as the resulting photograph, both are with an end to provoke and arouse the imagination of the viewer. Elise and I both hope that we have done justice to this mission. View the large version. I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article. Get my 120 page book of fine art nudes entitled Gentle Vulnerability . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Elise, Mary and Sol – Tribute to Peace

09 Nov 2009 23 3 5215
Elise posing in front of "Playing Battle Dress-Up" a mixed media painting/installation by Mary Bogdan. Two women and one man's tribute to peace. View large for better detail visibility. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

From the series – Milena, in a Boy's Room

16 Aug 2009 15 6193
She's a peach. View this image in the LARGE size . I did an entire set of Milena on I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article. View the video A Rainy Day with Milena by sollang Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Milena Unbound

08 Aug 2009 21 8307
She's a melody. View this image in the LARGE size . I did an entire set of Milena on I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article. Get my 120 page book of fine art nudes entitled Gentle Vulnerability . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Reclining Milena

19 Jun 2009 38 3 9989
My photographic vision, in essence, is one of calm and serenity with intended agitation that would provoke on both a cerebral as well as sexual level. I use soft tones and contrasts in both my colour work as well as the black and white. Rarely harsh lighting with strong shadows. A dream-like atmosphere. Some would say that my models appear to be as if basking in the after glow of ecstasy. So there is a sort of odd tension that is developed between the provocation of desire and the calmness of fulfillment. Best way to view this image. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Kitchen Sophistication

02 Jun 2009 62 7 12234
I am often asked which one of my models is my favourite. That is probably the easiest question to answer. It is kind of like asking a parent which one of his or her children is his or her favourite. Where I come from, one does not make such a distinction between their children. In the same way, I can’t do it with my models. Wheather I have chosen them or they have chosen me, it was a decision to work together offering one another their trust and opening one’s self to stand naked and vulnerable before the other. Yes, the photographer too, although not naked, is vulnerable during the shooting session. So, really, no, there is no favourite model. But in the results of the sessions, every so often, there is a shot that stands above the rest. A “shooting star” photograph that I know when I am working on it, that it will get the most views, comments and favourites. Every so often, I have the good fortune of such an image. I know it when it’s there and my viewers, fans and general “Flickr” public know it, see it and delight in it. The comments start pouring in and the appreciation becomes overwhelmingly evident. I will sometimes hold back on such an image, thinking “let me save it for just the right time.” When is the right time? Right time of day? Week? Month? If I had only one such image, I would just hold on to it forever and never find a good enough time to exhibit it. Thankfully, I believe that there will always be another. In fact releasing one makes it possible for the others to come flowing in. Like water in a sink. You have to drain some out to let fresh water in. I believe this image is such an image. I am completely convinced that this image will be among my highest rated images. Friday afternoon is a pretty good time to post it. People unwind for the weekend and after a long hard week of work they can go see what’s new on Flickr. This is Milena feeling the warmth of the natural sunlight as it streams into our kitchen. The large version is spactacular. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Milena Feels Liberated

22 Oct 2008 31 2 11528
It's a special kind of woman that feels comfortable posing nude or semi-nude for a photographer. Consider her feelings when entering into the model/artist relationship. What are her thoughts and aspirations? Is she seeking fame and fortune? Is she fulfilling a fantasy of glamour? Is she just feeling naughty, knowing that men will look upon her with adoration and desire? Some models have told me that it is a "liberating" feeling to pose nude. I would like to examine the aspect of liberation. It is a rather strange word in this context. It begs the question “liberation from what?” How does posing nude give a woman the sense that she is liberated? I will continue to ponder this as I progress with my work of erotic female photography. Although there have not been that many, the women who have posed for me have all exhibited what I consider to be extreme strength of character. Independent thinkers, often having experienced life, far beyond what would be considered the norm for their age, they thrive with ambition and drive, in pursuit of some goal or another. Although I have not yet had an exhibit of these works (except on Flickr), it has been a pleasure to meet them and to collaborate with them on some of the most rewardingly creative experiences of my life. Begs to be viewed large . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Lounging Milena

04 Oct 2008 32 1 7921
Please view the large version. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Mature content Thanks for the support!

Sunlight Streaming – Elise

21 Apr 2008 28 1 5991
Spring has finally sprung. The streaming sun kept the room warm with natural heat, as Elise allowed her body to bask in it. What a way to spend a warm and lazy Sunday afternoon, just sunning and relaxing. View the large version. I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article.

By Wednesday it became clear – Elise will not be c…

17 Apr 2008 11 4150
I wasn't sure if this was a look of displeasure or was she just acting coy. We couldn't all go to the Chateau in the Bourgogne region. Some of us had to be left behind in Paris. But being left behind in a city like Paris couldn't be all bad. There is lots to see and experience. Enjoy Paris, Elise, while the rest of us go to the Chateau. View this image large. Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

Elise, we'll always have Paris

14 Apr 2008 27 2 4340
A little shy, she clutched the pillows to her body so as to cover her nakedness, but still I could see that she was proud and took pleasure in her youthful beauty. Little did she know that a thriving film career was just beyond the horizon. Best viewed large. Get my 120 page book of fine art nudes entitled Gentle Vulnerability . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Please note: Contains Nudity Thanks for the support!

I might as well talk in my sleep (supertramp)

27 Jan 2008 9 1 4710
Sometimes my life feels like it is not my own. I feel as if I exist in a borrowed identity. Occupying the body of someone other than myself. A much older man than I am, yet with unlimited energy and creativity. And intellect that comes with much greater maturity than mine. Sadness comes over me, when I realise that this, in fact, is me, but the “newly found” me. Where and when have I wasted so many joyless years? Never stopping to recognize what is important. Using my time of rest as just a time to repose. To empty my mind and replenish physical strength for striving on. Dreams of being an artist were completely forgotten upon awakening. Can this life really be called awoken? Or is the reality of my existence residing inside this imaginary one? So I reflect on many things. Those things that most men fantasize. And women too. Living a life of passion. I have been wishing for it all along, just not remembering it when I awake. A large version of this sensual photograph of Isabella should be see here . Great photography requires dedication, time and effort. But above all there are costs involved as well. Equipment, props and model fees, not to mention time, are all "out-of-pocket" expenses for the artist. If you enjoy my photographic art, you might like to help to support it. To see behind-the-scenes videos and get a glimpse of my process, please follow the link below. The Photography of Sol Lang - Video-on-demand. Get my 120 page book of fine art nudes entitled Gentle Vulnerability . Please note: Much of my work contains Nudity. Thanks for the support!

23 items in total