Ron's Log's photos with the keyword: cvp

CVP Fire Area

Coachella Valley Preserve

Coachella Valley Preserve View

Willow Hole Oasis (0991)

Willow Hole Oasis (0983)

28 May 2008 429
The sign faces north-ish, appearing to protect the area where the windmills are built.

Willow Hole Oasis (0982)

Willow Hole Oasis (0981)

Willow Hole Oasis (0980)

Probable Indian Tool at Willow Hole Oasis (0960)

28 May 2008 435
Rolling pin or grinding tool or...

New Windmills (3A)

28 May 2008 849
Wind turbines under construction.

New Windmills (1000)

28 May 2008 520
Wind turbines under construction.

New Windmills (0995)

28 May 2008 452
Wind turbines under construction.

Flowers at Willow Hole Oasis (0968)

Anti-Vehicle Barrier at Willow Hole Oasis (0959)

28 May 2008 1419
Looks like anti-tank barriers.

Willow Hole Oasis (1001)

28 May 2008 732
In the background are some of the new windmills being built on Edom Hill.

Willow Hole Oasis (1)

28 May 2008 802
That's mesquite holding the sand dune in place.

Willow Hole Oasis (0994)

Willow Hole Oasis (0993)

29 items in total