ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: antiracism

Our team for the worldcup

27 Jul 2007 1196
Agenda of Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Hamburg, Rote Flora

Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…

27 Jul 2007 892
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Neuer Pferdemarkt

Kriegstreiber und Kriegsprofiteure raus aus dem Ir…

27 Jul 2007 975
Front: "Over Dachau throw Dessau... where the germans remain silent, and a host of muted voices protect murder in the own rows" Speak of other people the personhood, that's the beginning... Right: Warmongers and warbenefiters (?) Get out of Iraq! Demonstration against rassism, repression and commerzialisation of soccer. Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Neuer Kamp

Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…

27 Jul 2007 823
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Neuer Kamp

Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…

27 Jul 2007 942
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Neuer Kamp

Say no to racism

27 Jul 2007 1222
Demonstration against rassism, repression and commerzialisation of soccerfans. Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Neuer Kamp

Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…

27 Jul 2007 1058
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Glashüttenstrasse, Ecke Mathildenstrasse

Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…

27 Jul 2007 919
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Budapester Strasse, Ecke Glacischaussee/ Millerntordamm

Say no to racism

27 Jul 2007 985
Demonstration against racism, repression and commerzialisation of soccer. Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Budapester Strasse

Meetuppoint for the demonstration against rassism,…

27 Jul 2007 815
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Südkurven-Stadionvorplatz FC St. Pauli, Budapester Strasse in Höhe Detlev-Bremer- Strasse

Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli-winner

27 Jul 2007 973
And the "winners" are from Celtic FC, Scotland Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Trainingsanlage FC St. Pauli, Kollaustrasse

Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli

27 Jul 2007 1009
As I said - every team get a price for her antirassist action and soccermatches. This was a example (won by the group of Bergama, Italy). Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).

Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli

27 Jul 2007 824
Some guys of the tournament Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel). Trainingsanlage FC St. Pauli, Kollaustrasse

Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli

27 Jul 2007 868
Prices for all teams cause everyone was a winner. Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).

Day #027: 62 years ago - and never forgotten

27 Jan 2007 861
Today, just 62 years ago. Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Union. "There can be no reversing the unique tragedy of the Holocaust. It must be remembered, with shame and horror, for as long as human memory continues. Only by remembering can we pay fitting tribute to the victims. Millions of innocent Jews and members of other minorities were murdered in the most barbarous ways imaginable. We must never forget those men, women and children, or their agony." — United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, January 27, 2006 In Germany it's actually not tolerated by some courts to wear this button cause it shows the Hakenkreuz - the slashed one, of course... They mean that it could concern confusion, LOL. I didn't have reservations to wear the slashed Hakenkreuz. It's absolutly clear what it means even if some courts seems to misinterpret that as a pro-nazi-thing. It seemed the judge hadn't a drivinglicense or just don't know what these bar means...?! Never forget. Think about it. Not just today.

Day #027: 62 years ago - and never forgotten

27 Jan 2007 709
Today, just 62 years ago. Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Union. "There can be no reversing the unique tragedy of the Holocaust. It must be remembered, with shame and horror, for as long as human memory continues. Only by remembering can we pay fitting tribute to the victims. Millions of innocent Jews and members of other minorities were murdered in the most barbarous ways imaginable. We must never forget those men, women and children, or their agony." — United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, January 27, 2006 In Germany it's actually not tolerated by some courts to wear this button cause it shows the Hakenkreuz - the slashed one, of course... They mean that it could concern confusion, LOL. I didn't have reservations to wear the slashed Hakenkreuz. It's absolutly clear what it means even if some courts seems to misinterpret that as a pro-nazi-thing. It seemed the judge hadn't a drivinglicense or just don't know what these bar means...?! Never forget. Think about it. Not just today.

Hertha BSC Berlin - FC St. Pauli 2:2

08 Jan 2007 639
18. Spieltag, Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2001 um 20:00 Uhr 0 : 1 Thomas Meggle (50' Elfmeter) 1 : 1 Marcelinho (62' Linksschuß) 1 : 2 Marcel Rath (63' Rechtsschuß) 2 : 2 Andreas Schmidt (85' Rechtsschuß) Olympiastadion (Berlin, Deutschland), 27.100 Zuschauer

Flag against racism

29 Jun 2007 779
Altersschnitt in der typischen Stehplatzfankurve: Um die 40 Jahre. Auf der Sitzplatzfankurve sinds dagegen etwa 41 Jahre Altersdurchschnitt. FC St. Pauli - Werder Bremen II 2:1 www.kiezkicker.de/lmo/lmo.php?action=results&tabtype=... See where this picture was taken. [?]