ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: tournament
5. Antiracist tournament Sankt Pauli
21 May 2008 |
Friday, 23rd of May 2008
Arrival of the first teams at the tournament’s site at the Kollaustrasse
From 11.30a.m. different offers
11.30a.m.: Departure of the bus to visit “former concentration camp memorial of Neuengamme”, “Bullenuser Damm” – a school where children were held and murdered by fascists and an alternative harbour trip. (Guided tours in different languages depending of your registration)
Return to the training ground
8p.m.: Introduction of the new transnational antiracist network Alerta! in the clubhouse of training ground
From 8p.m.: Get-Together-Party at the training ground with Djs from St. Pauli and Prague
Saturday, 24th of May 2008
10 a.m.: Start of the first group games (5 players plus goalkeeper)
From 11 a.m. during the whole day: Groups’ videos at the tent, presentations, discussions, films, fotos, exhibitions and stalls at the site
1 to 3p.m.: Break of football games. Lecture with a time witness: Antje Kosemund about Euthanasie during the nazi time (with translation into English)
5 p.m.: Lecture “Politics against Refugees in Europe”
From 8 p.m.: Common tour with public transport to concert venue, Hafenklang Exil, Neue Große Bergstraße, Hamburg-Altona.
From 9 p.m.: Antira concert at the Hafenklang Exil in Hamburg-Altona, featuring three bands and DJ. The bands are: Toastar (Reggae/Ska from Hamburg), Redkicks (Punk from Metz/France) and Egotronic (Electropunk from Berlin).
(The „Metro-Bus“ line 5 leaves at U-Hoheluftbruecke every 20 mins. From there you take the Underground U3 (yellow line) to Sternschanze and from there S-Bahn to Altona. During the whole night, as well as all subway and S-Bahn lines from Altona to Sternschanze and Hoheluftbruecke.
Sunday, 25th of May 2008
10 a.m.: Starting time of the second day of the tournament, beginning of the final round
From 11 a.m. during the whole day: Groups’ videos at the tent, presentations, discussions, films, fotos, exhibitions and stalls at the site
1 p.m.: Lecture about “Repression/Oppression and possibilities of resistance in international football”. Input through participating groups (RSRA, Innsbruck, Israel, different Italian groups, Ultrà Sankt Pauli)
4 p.m.: Final game and victory ceremony
5 p.m.: Lecture about “Nationalism, Racism, Antisemitism and violence in Ukrainian football” (with translation into English)
Time will be announced: Report of Easton Cowgirls about their project in palestine
8 p.m.: Farewell Party in the club house Kollaustrasse
Monday, 26th of May 2008
From 9 a.m.: Common breakfast and farewell
subject to changes or additions are possible
Day #012 - Indoor soccer tournament
12 Jan 2007 |
Today I've visit the indoor soccertournament of Hamburg (Ratsherrn Cup 2007) at Alsterdorfer Sporthalle to support FC St. Pauli and FC St. Pauli U23 and to have fun during supporting with friendly guys of usp. Actually, during the season-break you would like participate in any soccer-related stuff even if you don't like it indoor (that wasn't soccer, soccer have to be outside, played on a muddy green ;)
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Our team for the worldcup
27 Jul 2007 |
Agenda of Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Hamburg, Rote Flora
Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…
27 Jul 2007 |
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Neuer Pferdemarkt
Kriegstreiber und Kriegsprofiteure raus aus dem Ir…
27 Jul 2007 |
"Over Dachau throw Dessau...
where the germans remain silent,
and a host of muted voices
protect murder in the own rows"
Speak of other people the personhood,
that's the beginning...
Right: Warmongers and warbenefiters (?)
Get out of Iraq!
Demonstration against rassism, repression and commerzialisation of soccer.
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Neuer Kamp
Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…
27 Jul 2007 |
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Neuer Kamp
Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…
27 Jul 2007 |
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Neuer Kamp
Say no to racism
27 Jul 2007 |
Demonstration against rassism, repression and commerzialisation of soccerfans.
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Neuer Kamp
Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…
27 Jul 2007 |
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Glashüttenstrasse, Ecke Mathildenstrasse
Demonstration against rassism, repression and comm…
27 Jul 2007 |
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Budapester Strasse, Ecke Glacischaussee/ Millerntordamm
Say no to racism
27 Jul 2007 |
Demonstration against racism, repression and commerzialisation of soccer.
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Budapester Strasse
Meetuppoint for the demonstration against rassism,…
27 Jul 2007 |
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Südkurven-Stadionvorplatz FC St. Pauli, Budapester Strasse in Höhe Detlev-Bremer- Strasse
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli-winner
27 Jul 2007 |
And the "winners" are from Celtic FC, Scotland
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Trainingsanlage FC St. Pauli, Kollaustrasse
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli
27 Jul 2007 |
Some guys of the tournament
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Trainingsanlage FC St. Pauli, Kollaustrasse
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli
27 Jul 2007 |
As I said - every team get a price for her antirassist action and soccermatches. This was a example (won by the group of Bergama, Italy).
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli
27 Jul 2007 |
Prices for all teams cause everyone was a winner.
Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli, 13.+14 May 2006 by Fanladen St. Pauli and Ultra' Sankt Pauli with hundreds of antirassists guest from whole Europe (and Israel).
02 Jul 2007 |
Fanclubturnier FC St. Pauli, Kollaustrasse. Team "The Netpirates"
02 Jul 2007 |
Fanclubturnier FC St. Pauli, Kollaustrasse. Team " The Netpirates "
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