ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: siam

Pauli sagt: "Alle Hände hoch! Alle! Wirklich alle!…

16 Sep 2006 562
Hands up! The emotions of a siamcat...

Pauly sagt: "Alle Hände hoch, alle!"

16 Sep 2006 598
Hands up - ears down! The emotions of a siamcat...

Siam Pauly

16 Sep 2006 719
OK. The emotions of a siamcat... and here he looks a little bit... hm... unnerved about this photoshooting...

Pauly, inzwischen leicht genervt vom dauernden bli…

16 Sep 2006 641
REALLY unnerved! The emotions of a siamcat...


22 Sep 2006 640
Cat Pauly, sleeping convoluted See where this picture was taken. [?]


22 Sep 2006 549
Cat Pauly, sleeping convoluted


27 Jul 2007 604
Pauly, sitting on my legs See where this picture was taken. [?]

Pauly on heating

16 Sep 2006 790
Pauly, my first cat. * 06 1991 † 07. March 2002 www.stefan-rosskopf.de/kater_pauly.shtml

Pauly, laying on heating

16 Sep 2006 642
Pauly, my first cat. * 06 1991 † 07. March 2002 www.stefan-rosskopf.de/kater_pauly.shtml

Pauly, laying on heating

16 Sep 2006 707
Pauly, my first cat. * 06 1991 † 07. March 2002 www.stefan-rosskopf.de/kater_pauly.shtml

Portrait of Pauly

16 Sep 2006 1 1429
Pauly, my first cat. * Juni 1991 † 07. March 2002 www.stefan-rosskopf.de/kater_pauly.shtml Gruppe Theme of the week: Cats . In remembering of a wonderful one.