ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: polizei

Fahrrad - Sternfahrt 2014, Hamburg

18 Jun 2014 1 2 1015
Ende der Abfahrt der Köhlbrandbrücke, ein paar gelangweilte Polizisten per Auto und Fahrrad. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Köhlbrandbrücke (einige weitere Sprachen)

Bewohner vom Gefahrengebiet werden aufgefordert, s…

05 Jan 2014 1 7 1111
Download (PDF, A4, 300dpi): www.ipernity.com/doc/kiezkicker/29380165 Statement: www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2014/01/bewohner-vom-gefahrengebiet-werden-aufgefordert-sich-umgehend-zu-kennzeichnen Further info (why, whatabout etc. in so called english): www.ipernity.com/doc/kiezkicker/29349663

I'm about to escalate

04 Jan 2014 3 8 1616
Since today 6am I´m living in an official so called danger area . Well, myself and about 60,000 other people of Hamburg. Because the police decided it this way. You can get arrested without a given reason (or because you looking the wrong way, wear the wrong clothes, being in the wrong age). You can be sent off from at least 3 districts (" Platzverweis "), and your bags can be inspected without any further reasons given. Well, or given by special police-rights, given to the police and by the police of Hamburg. Rights which they have only in so called "liberally" Hamburg ( wikipedia ). Well, mostly this actions will be for people of color or people who are looking "leftish" in the eyes of the police, but sometimes it´s enough if you going shopping and wearing a black jeans - because "all leftish people wear such clothes". Reasons? A police-station was attacked two times. First time there where 3 broken windows and 5 demolated police-cars, second time there where 2 attacked police-guys (one with a stone, another one by (maybe their own) pepper-gas). And a allowed demonstration which was stopped after 50m of walking by the police because it was starting to demonstrate "to early". The germans are a in-time-folk, don´t be to late - but of course don´t be to early, too, otherwise it´s up to the police to stop and escalate it by riot-units. After the demonstration with about 10,000 people was stopped and ended by the police after 50 meters ( youtube ), which ends in some riots, of course. By whom? Well, both. Or how did you mention it when such things will happen like here , when riot-cops running in a just standing-there group of a few thousend guys, spraying pepper-spray and knocking with their sticks at everyone which they can attack? Well, afterwards it was looking like here , which was no doubt and will be predictable if a allowed demonstration will be attacked in this way like seen before. Afterway the police argumented there were stones trown before at the police, but nothing of it was visible or hearable on many videos on youtube. I'm about to escalate I´m far away from being radicalic, but it wasn´t just the demonstrators who are escalating in these days. The police already announced that they will be probably shot next time, and was in need of teaser, a potential deadly weapon (which won´t help against stonetrowers, ahm...). Currently everyone, mostly the politics and police, are going to be crazy, and every moring you are asking yourself what will be happen at this day. Next steps in escalation will be the State of emergency or the "Bundeswehr" (army) will be acting against the own citicens- well, this needs a modification of the "Grundgesetz" (Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany) - but in the eyes of an obviously dangerous guy of Hamburg it doesn´t seem to be this far away from it. Or maybe we need a curfew? Or laws of war? If I read the boulevard-news here I can trust we are already in war. Against police, against gouverment, or - well - against every civilan living in a specific area of Hamburg. We are just around 60,000 potentially fighters here, losing some of their civil rights because of that. Further informations about the current danger-area of Hamburg If you are interesting in some specific background - informations about the current "danger-area" take your google-news-tour or take a look at twitter-hashtag #gefahrengebiet (pref. twitter because it´s more informative this way). How it was before Hamburg was a liberal city some years ago (well, 20 years ago), but mostly startet by Law and Order Offensive Party it tends to be changing first the other party which was the goverment ( Christian Democratic Union ), but now even the so called Social Democratic Party , which was the goverment of Hamburg currently wasn´t that socialdemocratic at all. They changed to a new one of Law and Order - Party. Photo: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Stickervorlage, Anstecker für eure Jacken, Taschen, für Haustüren und ähnliches: www.ipernity.com/doc/kiezkicker/29380165

Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb eins (oder auch…

17 Sep 2006 2 869
Verkehrschaos zwischen 1 und 2 Uhr nachts auf der Reeperbahn. Die Reeperbahn ist Hamburgs Rotlichtviertel, und entsprechend sind hier nicht tagsüber im Berufsverkehr die meisten Verkehrsstaus, sondern Samstagnacht zwischen 1 und 2 Uhr. Sie dürfte damit die einzige Straße Hamburgs sein, wo es nicht tagsüber, sondern während der Nacht die meisten Verkehrsstaus gibt. Im Hintergrund übrigens die Davidwache. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reeperbahn (viele weitere Sprachversionen) de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davidwache (einige weitere Sprachversionen) Gruppe " Theme of the week ": City by night

Wir machen auch ohne Zähne das Maul auf – Gegen Po…

11 Jul 2009 709
Ungefähr 4.000 Personen bei Demonstration gegen Polizeigewalt rund ums Schanzenfest auf Hamburg St.Pauli (in Höhe Neuer Pferdemarkt) www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2009/wir-machen-auch-ohne-zahne-da...

Anna und Arthur halten's Maul

Arrested demonstrant

02 Jul 2007 978
Demonstration against the rightpopulism Law and order offinsive Party by Ronald Schill in Hamburg which produced a poor right-wing-politic.

Great headphones, policemen

27 Aug 2006 2 872
Typical german policeofficer with higher rank. LOL, great headphones, typically m(o)ustache. :o) Werder Bremen II - FC St.Pauli 2:2 www.kiezkicker.de/lmo/lmo.php?action=results&tabtype=...

Aber sowas von planlos...

13 Jul 2007 719
Dynamo Dresden-Hooligans Dynamo Dresden - FC St. Pauli www.kiezkicker.de/lmo/lmo.php?action=results&tabtype=...

Irgendwie alles ein bischen verwirrend

13 Jul 2007 1 752
Dynamo Dresden-Hooligans Dynamo Dresden - FC St. Pauli www.kiezkicker.de/lmo/lmo.php?action=results&tabtype=...

Berittene Polizei hält Dresdner Hools etwas auf Ab…

13 Jul 2007 827
Dynamo Dresden-Hooligans Dynamo Dresden - FC St. Pauli www.kiezkicker.de/lmo/lmo.php?action=results&tabtype=...

Sitzblokade vor Gewalttätern

28 Jun 2007 605
Demonstration against the rightpopulism Law and order offinsive Party by Ronald Schill in Hamburg and for the free living of people at the "Bauwagenplatz Bambule". Sitzblokade vor massiver, mehrreihiger Polizeikette.


28 Jun 2007 631
Demonstration against the rightpopulism Law and order offinsive Party by Ronald Schill in Hamburg and for the free living of people at the "Bauwagenplatz Bambule" after the St.Paulimatch against FC Cologne.

Escorte für Queen Mary 2

28 Jun 2007 701
Queen Mary 2 in Hamburg/Germany Escorte / Schlepper und Polizeiboote


28 Jun 2007 842
FC St. Pauli - Fortuna Düsseldorf 1:1, 18.02.2006 www.kiezkicker.de/lmo/lmo.php?file=archiv/Regionalliga-No...


28 Jun 2007 1027
Und eigentlich hätte ich auch nichts gegen das Fanfest einzuwenden, wenn es nicht immer damit verbunden wäre, dass zwei bis vier Polizeihubschrauber sechs Stunden lang (an Spieltagen des deutschen Auswahlteams) über die Dächer knattern würden, denn das beginnt dann doch ein bischen zu nerven, wenn man nach viereinhalb Stunden feststellt, dass sich nun der dritte Polizeihubschrauber zu den übrigen dazugesellt und ebenfalls mit dem über den Dächern rumknattern angefangen hat. Schon aus diesem Grund bin ich froh, dass es nicht Deutschland ist, die ins Finale gekommen sind, denn beim Spiel um die goldene Ananas wird wohl nur noch ein bis zwei Hubschrauber runknattern, und das auch erst ab zweieinhalb Stunden vor dem Anpfiff (und nicht um 3 Uhr nachmittags, wenn abends um 9 Uhr Anpfiff ist...). www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/07/05/endlich-rausgeflogen-da...