ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: peace

RIP Garcia

31 May 2008 972
Wenn Soldat: Selbst schuld. Wenn Bewohner: Fuck Bush.

One love a day - #009: The sound of eastermonday-…

09 Apr 2007 974
Every year on eastermonday I get wake up with the sound of easter. Praysing people, talking guys, people who crying out some shibboleth and - the best one - a sambaband. The last one was great but the first ones was a little bit anoying cause the phrases are every year the same. But these sambaband - every year the same, too - was great in some way! Not cause I like their music - cause it's monotony and get's me some extra-sleepingtime. ;-) And after that I fell asleep again. Thanks for the perfomance at the morning, your easter-demonstants... So it's a hate-love, of course.

Think about it

10 Sep 2006 784
My hands. Demonstration. Peace. Israel. World Trade Center.


28 Jun 2007 1295
www.flickr.com/groups/mundouno_/discuss/72157594220604000/ www.kiezkicker.de/blog/2006/08/03/krieg-ist-nicht-krieg/ More like this: flickr.com/groups/mundouno_/pool/tags/unomotivator/show *MUNDO UNO ist ein Schrei nach Frieden. *MUNDO UNO bedeutet EINE WELT. *MUNDO UNO ist der virtuelle Protest gegen die Dummheit des Krieges. *MUNDO UNO ist ein Weg für uns zu sagen: Stoppt das Töten von Zivilisten auf beiden Seiten! Wir sollen EINS sein, eine Welt, ein Gesicht, ein Volk um es zu verändern! * MUNDO UNO it's a call for peace. * MUNDO UNO means ONE WORLD. * MUNDO UNO is a virtual protest against the madness of the war. * MUNDO UNO is a way for us to say: stop the killing of civilians in both sides. Shall we be ONE, one world, one face, one people to change this. Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

Black Ribbon

28 Jun 2007 1018
Story behind it: Why don't we all change our icons for a while using this black ribbon instead. It is a way for us to say: stop the killing of civilians in both sides. Stop this war. Can you do this? Save this image, upload it in your photostream, and then change your icon. Simple as that! And also, use the last lines of this description (the bold phrase) as your uploaded image tag. (Add the translation of tags in your own language to this phrase, and please add tags to my photo too) You may also interested in joining the MUNDO UNO group. Found on http://www.flickr.com/photos/hamed/203802037/ . War should stop NOW - I liked my www.flickr.com/photos/kiezkicker/192402822/ more than this black one.. ;-)