ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'s photos with the keyword: spring
So sieht der April in Norddeutschland aus
01 May 2014 |
Regen, dann fünf Minuten später ein wolkenloser, blauer Himmel und wunderbarer Sonnenschein.
Friedenskirche Hamburg Altona, im Vordergrund eine mit Regentropfen benetzte Fensterscheibe.
Cherry- and Tulip - Heyday
Ein sonniger Tag und 14 Grad Celsius - und endlich…
26 Feb 2014 |
Das wurde aber auch mal Zeit! Endlich erwacht der Spielplatz bei mir vor der Wohnung wieder zu neuem Leben. Während des Winters waren da meist nur vormittags die Kindergartenkinder drauf am spielen, nachmittags war er dann verwaist...
Jetzt, wo es schon Ende Februar schöne sonnige Tage mit Temperaturen von 14° Celsius gibt, ist auch nachmittags endlich wieder was los da. Dann wirkt das Viertel gleich viel lebendiger.
Es ist einfach schön, das Fenster zu öffnen und dann Kinderlachen zu hören...
It's spring...
Tulip with flag
02 May 2011 |
Laying in the green, relaxing, dreaming and sinking the pressure...
Domino-Gruppe : Tulpe , nun auch mal von unten.
It´s spring here!
01 May 2011 |
Around 20°C and blue sky since about one mounth in April. :-)
Today it was a great spring-day!
17 Mar 2009 |
Perfect for relaxing... 12°C and sunny. Pretty nice to sit in the sun, drink a drink, read a book and to relax...
06 May 2008 |
xfce4-weather-plugin: goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin
A sunny sunday at 30th March
The changing from winter to spring
27 Mar 2008 |
Already green leaves, topped with the snow (mostly the only which falls this winter here...)
Pierre wanted it...
26 Apr 2007 |
I should take photos of him but I have not to be keen on taking photos of him so they aren't pretty. Sorry boy - another time, second try - we would do it again. ;-)
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Knocked out
26 Apr 2007 |
Me, laying in the green. Knocked out by the temperature - 28°C (82°F) in the middle of April aren't normal and I wear the wrong clothes for this temperature so I could just lay on the grass. OK, I could put the clothes away (just the sweater of course) - but - hey! We just had April and I could get sick laying on the grass without it. ;-)
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Weather in April, Hamburg/Germany
25 Apr 2007 |
Any questions? And these aren't the hottest days, we allready had 83°F in early April.
The last significant rain we got in the middle of March. Some forests are locked cause the possibly of forest fires - they are parched. Usually we had these conditions in the end of summer.
"Normal" spring - conditions for middle europe, LOL...?
But I wouldn't say to much about that issue cause then it WOULD be rainy next days. It's OK to lay in the sun...
Snowmen in the spring
27 Jul 2007 |
As it typically looked end of the winter... snowmen on yellow-green grass
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