Isisbridge's photos with the keyword: water bird

heron in the river

29 Jan 2020 1 123
Ardea cinerea - grey heron

heron in the water

29 Jan 2020 1 112
Ardea cinerea - grey heron

heron in autumn

12 Nov 2019 1 1 192
Ardea cinerea - grey heron

grey heron at Rewley Weir

11 May 2019 1 94
Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

heron below the weir

12 May 2019 1 54
Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

grey heron at Rewley

12 May 2019 1 1 104
Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

The Rewley Heron

12 May 2019 1 95
Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

grabbing a bite

03 Jul 2016 1 1 179
Anas platyrhynchos - mallard duck

fluffy moorhen chick

03 Jul 2016 1 187
Gallinula chloropus - common moorhen

feeding mallard

03 Jul 2016 1 200
Anas platyrhynchos

moorhen chick

03 Jul 2016 1 174
Gallinula chloropus - common moorhen

guzzling mallard

03 Jul 2016 1 176
Anas platyrhynchos

mallard duck

03 Jul 2016 187
Anas platyrhynchos

Mr Mallard

03 Jul 2016 1 223
Anas platyrhynchos

the wings of a swan

22 Aug 2015 1 185
River Thames, Oxfordshire

white swan on take-off

22 Aug 2015 1 186
River Thames, Oxfordshire