Götz Kluge's photos with the keyword: Angela Merkel

Bremsklötze niederwalzen!

21 May 2013 2 1 1987
The Merkel Roller unleashed. (Hand drawn and then vectorized) Angela Merkel (now German chancellor) on how to deal with obstacles to growth (Kiel, Germany, 2005-06-12): Where there are road blocks, "we'll have to roll them down." (Wo es Bremsklötze gebe, "da müssen wir sie niederwalzen.") For that ambitious goal she surely needs powerful equipment. See also (in German): - www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/sozialkuerzungen-nach-der-wahl-merkel-will-bremskloetze-niederwalzen-1.779154 - de.uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Merkelwalze