Götz Kluge's photos with the keyword: cryptomorphism

Nose is a Nose is a Nose

22 Mar 2019 2 1 1933
Knight Letter (ISSN 0193-886X) of the LCSNA (Lewis Carroll Society of North America), Fall 2017, № 99 Details: snrk.de/knight-letter-links/kl-fall2017

Heads by Henry Holiday and Marcus Gheeraerts the E…

14 Dec 2014 6 7061
513 · · He was black in the face, and they scarcely could trace 514 · · · · The least likeness to what he had been: 515 · · While so great was his fright that his waistcoat turned white- 516 · · · · A wonderful thing to be seen! This is probably one of the strongest examples for resemblances between graphical elements in Henry Holiday's illustrations (1876, cut by Joseph Swain) and graphical elements in another image. Sometimes Holiday mirrored his pictorial quotes: Here Holiday vertically flipped the "nose" of Gheeraert's "head". I flipped it back. 2011-12-12 2014-02-22 As for the image on the top of this page: [left]: The Banker after his encounter with the Bandersnatch, depicted in Henry Holiday's illustration (woodcut by Joseph Swain for block printing) to the chapter "The Banker's Fate" in Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark" (scanned from an 1876 edition of the book) [right]: a redrawn and horizontally compressed and reproduction of "The Image Breakers" (1566-1568) aka "Allegory of Iconoclasm", an etching by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder (British Museum, Dept. of Print and Drawings, 1933.1.1..3, see also Edward Hodnett: Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder, Utrecht 1971, pp. 25-29). Also I flipped the "nose" vertically. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 Version, 2000x2000: www.ipernity.com/doc/goetzkluge/36260048

The Bankers Fate

23 Mar 2014 2 2872
My first comparison related to The Banker (2009). After more than one year I suddenly understood Holiday's nose job:

So great was his fright that his waistcoat turned…

24 Feb 2014 3 3605
513 · · He was black in the face, and they scarcely could trace 514 · · · · The least likeness to what he had been: 515 · · While so great was his fright that his waistcoat turned white- 516 · · · · A wonderful thing to be seen! This is probably one of the strongest examples for resemblances between graphical elements in Henry Holiday's illustrations (1876, cut by Joseph Swain) and graphical elements in another image. In this case the images are [left]: The Banker after his encounter with the Bandersnatch , depicted in a segment of Henry Holiday 's illustration to The Banker's Fate in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark (scanned from an 1876 edition of the book) and [right]: a horizontally compressed copy of The Image Breakers (1566-1568) aka Allegory of Iconoclasm , an etching by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder (British Museum, Dept. of Print and Drawings, 1933.1.1..3, see also Edward Hodnett: Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder , Utrecht 1971, pp. 25-29). I mirrored the "nose" about a horizontal axis.


17 Aug 2013 3 3345
Slowly and silently. [start]: a horizontally compressed copy of The Image Breakers (1566-1568) aka Allegory of Iconoclasm , an etching by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder (British Museum, Dept. of Print and Drawings, 1933.1.1..3, see also Edward Hodnett: Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder , Utrecht 1971, pp. 25-29). I low-pass-filtered some elements which Holiday used to construct the Banker's spectacles and (segment in left image) mirrored the "nose" about a horizontal axis. [end]: The Banker after his encounter with the Bandersnatch , depicted in a segment of Henry Holiday 's illustration to The Banker's Fate in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark (scanned from an 1876 edition of the book) (Also available here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=06X98w0YvEU&hd=1 )

Victor in Your Dreams (2013)

28 Jul 2013 1 5 2579
Mahendra Singh (Montréal) holds the copyright to the illustration (depicting Victor Hugo ) on the right side. Compare it to the 16th century etching The Image Breakers (1566-1568, mirror view, right side) by Marcus Gheraerts the Elder. I added that comparison as shown above to my photostream with Mahendra's consent (2010-07-22). Source of Mahendra Singh's illustration: justtheplaceforasnark (blog, 2009-12-03) Mahendra knows the art of deniability very well. Mahendra's "heads": • justtheplaceforasnark.blogspot.de/2009/12/dream-books-nonsense-and-bourbon.html • justtheplaceforasnark.blogspot.de/2013/09/the-heart-is-lonely-snark-hunter.html